Dec 02, 2008 02:47
every day i ask myself why i wasn't born a gay man. i am annoyed with the fact that i've been so attracted to men these past few months and i feel so hetero but when i really look at it i know i am just a big gay homo fag man boy.
for instance twilight turned me on. the crappiest of crap but boy was it entertaining. goddammit i want a vampire man who hasn't washed his hair in months to fuck me. this is getting tiring. i am wondering if i should start daily orgies in my shower. will i ever be a satiated being?
i am listening to the soundtrack to natural born killers and of course you know who that makes me think of. it was our movie to roll around on the carpet and fuck to and pretend to kill people with and i am so horny and full of blood right now. oh red hair man, if only you knew. rock star hair, i am not wanting to be with you any more but i feel so bad you have to be with someone who would not roll around on the carpet with you and pretend to kill people with. i hope you grow out of this weird political phase too. and i'm not sure if i can face you when i go home this weekend. it was a bad idea to listen to this soundtrack but oh well.
the boy i crushed on last week resurfaced into crush land. responded to my email of poems. hasn't quite mulled them over yet. its a friendly reply. i should prepare myself and read his stuff before going to the bar after class on wednesday. it would be nice to have a make out before i went home. something to brag about. jesus god i am so fifteen anymore. . . .hence the following nine inch nails song in my ears.
good god. i'm writing a series of poems written by a hedwig esque hermaphrodite. it's pretty swinging.
i miss my hair a lot these past few days. no more cutting it unless it's in the back. i'm into having short hair but no curls is really starting to bother me. ugh. ugh ugh ugh.
i am so moodswingy in these past 20 mins its a wonder i'm not menestrating. it's a wonder to be alive, all this glitter and glory. good lord am i inspired. world, world, world. i am so in love with my life.
sometimes i am lonely for someone. i want someone to spoon with, make out with. i am not looking for a commitment. i am hungry for an artist. from many to zero i went to in a matter of months.
also, it would be nice to look like a heroin addict serial killer. BLOOD.