,+VIII&ei=xHrtSPDCBIyuyAS6qLzyBg&client=firefox-a&sig=ACfU3U2dXyh54OMhP0EF3kkKt2jnJTOCnQ#PPA12,M1 it's on page 12, and is entitled VII
pessoa plays around with different personas and in this case the speaker/author is alberto caeiro
learning is good.
anky dank ange is coming in thirty hours. i got him some chocolate.
in other news some bitches from the boro are visiting next saturday. they are coming up from philly. lots of exciting things are happening on the weekends. dracula's ball what? that is in philly too. going with jocelyn and nikki the weekend of hallow's eve. such skanks. it is nice to be only a train ride away.