
Jan 24, 2005 09:23

Well hello everyone today is my first day on live journal. Like usual iwoke up to the sound of my mother and my sister arguing ova some stupid bullshitbut when it wasn't even time for me to wake up so u know i was heated liiiikkkeeee enough about that Today was pretty normal day except for the fact that we had a 2hr delay due to the snow which was pretty rediculous because the weather man said we were going to have about 8-9 inches and we have prolly like 4 inches i don't really know exactly. But anyway enough about that today school was okay nothing happened, i talk to my old squeeze in skool today which was cool because i am glad that things have cleared between us and there aren't anymore misunderstands bout our feelings toward each other.After i got out of skool today me and three of my closets friends went to ihop and ate. After that it was off to my lovely job :( at paul springs retirement home. I was so sleepy today at work and it seems like time went by sooooo slow. But thankgoodness its over with. Now i am here sitting at home on this lovely computer. I think that i am going to call it a night now b/c i have to get early tommorrow and go skool which is going to be such fun :(
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