Jan 10, 2005 22:01
in portland, at nationals. its amazing. more amazing than amazing. today i competed - did short....clean program and i skated in the big rink this year and there were lots of people there watching and it was sooooo fun wow. it felt so good. i ended up 6th wich is so exciting to me, im soo glad im in the second warmup on thursday. tomorrow i dont compete, just practice. get to watch the seniors practice tomorrow (AKA michelle!!!!! and sasha....asjdhaksjhd) - BTW just saw jenny kirk..lol in the athletes food room dinger at the hotel and i just talked to robin wagner who i think is really super cool. i compete long onuhmmmm...im really cheating because youre supposed to pay 5 dollars for 15 minutes to use the computers but somebody has leftover time and i pretty much just jumped right on this here puppy...AIM EXPRESS DOESNT WORK so bitches, email me!!!!!!!! hope nobody saw the retarded pictures in the newspaper today...and the uuuuugly picture on usfsa.