May 07, 2008 09:27
It's a rainy day in Chicago. How can I tell? From looking out the window and seeing lots of umbrellas 33 stories below me.
I'm beginning to think that never having a day off is a bad idea. I think I may ask my internship for longer hours on Monday and Wednesday so I can have Friday off completely.
My internship suckzors, by the way. In all honesty, all I'm doing is pushing paper around (in a virtual way). It's very boring and pointless. Grah.
At least Ba-ba-reeba is fun, and will soon be paying me more as they're moving me up quickly.
And final update: apparently my subletter may have ran away? She left an envelope in our mailbox with ten dollars in it labeled: For Everyone, and no one has seen her since. I'm not sure what will happen if she really did run away or something. I mean, she signed a sublet contract and everything, but, um, yeah. If I can't find her to make her pay, what happens? Does the responsibility fall on her parents, or is the contract just null and void?
I hope not. I SO do not have the money for that.
Anyway, I need to shower, and I want to read a bit before my internship.