The Old Days of Furry cons, Worth reliving???

Apr 08, 2009 17:27

Gah 2nd try

Anyway  For those who have been to furry cons in the distant past.  What are your best memories of the old ones?

Is there some old programming you remember that ho longer happens now in days?

What is your fondest memories of some older con

Do you think bigger cons miss out on the experience that a smaller con has to offer?

If you were in a position to change something at a furry con to make it better what would it be?

Have I missed a question here?

What was your worst experience at a fur con?

Now i have been to several first year conventions.  I like going to those a lot as the staff is new and normally fresh minded.  It seems that some con staffs as the con gets older they get jaded for what ever the reason.  So with that said

Is a new con possibly better then an older convention

Well what say you??

furry con

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