Dec 10, 2016 13:29
Day five: La Secreta
Taste notes: Peach and green apple
From: Norte de Santander, Colombia
Grown at: 1860 m
Type: Castillo
This is nice. It has a good balance of sour and bitter and creamy. It is also slightly sweet.
Day six: El Talapo
Tasting notes: Date and Caramel
From: El Salvador
Grown at: 1430
Type: Bourbon
This is lovely. I don't have enough taste buds to say why it is, but it isn't bitter at all. It is sweet and a very little bit sour. I think it made me think of bananas but then, I often think of bananas.
Day seven: Filadelfia washed
Tasting notes: Dark cholate and orange
From: Guatemala
Grown at: 1600
Type: Bourbon, Caturra
This is pleasant enough, but nothing special. It seems to lack body, somehow; maybe a tad watery. This seems to be associated with tasting notes indicating orange, for me, incidentally. The strongest chocolatey flavour is when you smell it just after opening the packet. This is reminiscent of the sort of coffee you get when somewhere advertises themself as selling 'Illy' coffee, only a little less bitter. It's a sort of afternoon coffee.
Day eight: El Sapote
Taste: Cherry and Blackberry
Grown: Honduras
Grown at: 1700 m
Type: Red Catui, Pacas
I *think* I could smell the cherry in this when I opened the pack - a sour, astringent, fruity note like a dialled-down haribo sweet - but I am not sure that I can taste it in the coffee itself.
This is a very bitter coffee (it might be the way I made it today; perhaps the water was too hot) but it's growing on me as I drink it and the sourness starts to balance the bitterness.
I have no idea where they get the blackberry part from, though.
Day nine: la Girita
Taste notes: Brown Sugar and Lime
From: Columbia
Type: Tipica
Grown at: 1630 m
Honestly, I don't know where the taster gets his fertile imagination from. This tastes like coffee. Coffee, dammit.
I have a slight cold (again, world?) and so I am either hyper sensitive to taste or I'm the opposite. The bitterness is there but not as acrid as bitterness can be, and it's all fine. It's not got the full-on creamy mouth feel of my favourite coffees, but it's still damn fine coffee.
Day ten: Sertao natural
Tasting notes: Dark chocolate, cherry and almond
Origin: Brazil
Type: Yellow bourbon
Grown at: 1400 m
This actually smells of dark chocolate, cherry and almond. I opened the packet and had a good sniff before looking it up on the tasting notes, and I did actually think dark chocolate, cherry and almond. I would like to note that this is one of the coffees that Pact carries more often than not, and I may have grown to register this as dark chocolate, cherry and almond by repeated exposure.
Anyway, it's one of my favourite coffees, with a full mouth feel. I think it tastes like coffee.