Any time, Or anywhere,
Just look over your shoulder
Guess who'll be standing there
Hey, hey, we're the Monkees
And people say we monkey around.
But we're too busy singing
To put anybody down.
So I was studying OB, the chapter on organisational cultures and i just found this funny for some reason...
The Ford Culture:
- Don't disagree with the boss
- Don't rock the boat.
- Look busy, even if you aren't
- Don't smile, let alone laugh too much
- Be obsessive about getting your numbers right; estimates won't do
- If a colleague gets into trouble with the boss- don't help; be grateful it's not you
- Observe the dress code
- CYA (Cover you ass)
haha...don't tell me i'm lame i already know i am...i still find it funny though.....