Vignette/Log: Sea urchin delivery

Apr 17, 2010 07:09

Intended to have come after this :

[Written in collaboration with P'draig's player]

As soon as the disgusting old crew member from the Orchid Rain had left, Bailey replaced the towel with a sarong, not bothering with the long since discarded bikini top. What was the point really? A deep grin shifted into place as she made her way to The Beach House, bucket of freshly gathered sea urchins in hand - yay, booty call!

With the morning half gone already and harper classes due to be over soon, the brunette cut her timing finely, making it there with only just enough time to spare to entice Paddy into the outdoor shower. Good clean fun, yes? Leaving with hair hanging wetly down her back and a flush to cheeks certainly not wrought from a cold shower and looking refreshed in more ways than one. Slipping out the back entrance a last glance is sent backward to where the brownrider was just a moment before then with a low chuckle she’s heading back down to the beach and the arduous task of mending sails.

Early to rise, almost always, Paddy got up at dawn, went for a brisk run, tossed some sandbags around, then got in his first swim of the day. Later on the kids would probably haul him down to the beach again for something that was more like splashing than swimming. This one though, was all about diving into Ista's clear waters and cutting neatly through the waves, aiming for the third buoy out, with Jekzith gliding overhead to keep him company. When he got back, the cothold was a flurry of early morning activity: Palia couldn't find her sandals, Dylan wanted his blankie and Dharia was banging her spoon on the table chanting: "Hungy, hungy, hungy!" Miara was busily tracking down the missing objects, so P'draig angled towards making breakfast, quickly cutting up a piece of fruit to keep the Hungry Monster at the table busy while he tossed together pancakes and fried up bacon. Wisely, Mic didn't poke his nose in until the horde were eating.

After they'd decamped up to the Weyr for harper lessons and chores, with a round of hugs and warnings to behave, Paddy was left to clean up, and check in with Jekzith. The brown needed a scrubbing and some oil, which took about an hour all told and after that they had a sweep over Keroon. It was going to be tight making it back in time to start prep-work for lunch. Sometimes, especially after his conversation with the headwoman, Paddy had serious doubts about the sanity of this whole enterprise.

He'd been back long enough to get the chopping well along: onions, garlic, root veg, garnishes and the pots simmering on the stove for the day's sauces when Bailey turned up, wearing not much at all and bearing a bucket full of sea urchins. The contents of the bucket drew a crow of delight, her winning look a bright laugh. "I think I could get to /really/ liking this arrangement," the brownrider teased her merrily and put the bucket in the cold storage under the counter, took her hand and let her lead the way.

A half hour later, damp from all the 'exercise' in the shower, Paddy kissed the young woman soundly and sent her on her way, quietly out the back. In the kitchen, the second cook had arrived and had pulled one of the pots off the heat. He cast P'draig an amused look as he stirred the contents: "Lucky dawg," was the cheeky remark, making the brownrider roll his eyes as he tied his apron back on and stepped up to the counter to finish getting ready for the incipient lunch rush.

p'draig, bailey, vignette

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