Log: Playing Pretend

Apr 11, 2010 22:57

IC: Day 14, month 6, turn 22 of Interval 10.
RL: 2010.04.11

Market, Ista Weyr(#916RJ)
Clustered around the path leading between the beach and the jungle stands a diamond of eight wooden stalls, two to a side. Staffed by a kaleidoscope of Istans from around the island, the market features a changing array of local products from ubiquitous shell jewelry to season-conscious umbrellas and surfboards. It's Buyer Beware, though: the quality of the products varies, but then again so does the quality of salesmanship, and it's just as likely to find a overvalued rip-off as an underpriced treasure.
Open to the air when the weather is good, the market has several tools at its disposal to deal with less genial conditions. The round pit in the center of the stalls, which visitors may choose to skirt or gather around, can be used for a small bonfire on the rare cold days. A big, heavy stretch of oilcloth and a thinner gauze material have been bundled up and nailed to the trees just behind the market, ready to be stretched out for shelter or shade on days that are too rainy or too hot.

Obvious exits:
Plateau Trader Camp

Summer afternoons at Ista are hot, muggy times. The day has warmed and instead of the usual midday downpour clearing the humidity from the air, its only added to the already thick atmosphere. While some people are taking it easy, or taking a nap, Loe is still out, braving the bright, sunny has and visiting among the market stalls. She doesn't appear to be shopping very seriously, no haggling with vendors, just the lazy, distant pauses of a typical browser.

It may be just exactly that kind of hot, sticky weather that keeps most out of the glare of the sun that has brought a certain brunette to the market. To the idle observer, she’s not immediately noticeable being as how she’s currently snooping around an empty looking stall situated right at the edge of the market, muttering and mumbling to herself as she does so.

As Loe wanders along the aisle of booths, she happens nearer to the girl visiting with that empty stall. It has the headwoman's eyebrow lifting curiously and then her feet skipping past the next stop so she can investigate more closely. Her head peeks past the poles and sailcloth to watch Bailey for a few beats. "You know," she starts, as if they're old friends, as if they've been talking all the while. "This one isn't selling anything today." Which, well, should be obvious. Which is sort of the point. She flashes the girl a wry smile.

Bending down and investigating the underside of the stall for some or other reason, Bailey jumps, banging the back of her head on the wood when Loe speaks. A muttered curse, not ladylike at all and then she appears, one hand rubbing the bump, the other putting three small unmarked pouches down on the counter top and grinning lopsidedly at the other woman, “It is now.” Never mind that she can lay no claim to this space whatsoever.

Loe does look a little apologetic when Bailey is left rubbing her bumped head, though she doesn't actually offer the words of apology. Then her eyes are on the pouches. "So you're looking to rent the space then?" There's something pointed in her eyes when they lift to Bailey's face once more, and something knowing in the curl of her smile. "What's in the pouches?"

Bailey's hand drops away from the back of her head, a head which moves from side to side in the negative, "Nope, just..." trying to think something up, "...testing it out for a friend," grin. The pointed expression is met with an easy smile, the necks of each pouch opened and pushed toward Loe for her to sniff at, "You tell me." Chances are she may not be entirely sure herself, although she does touch a fingertip to one, "Allspice," and another, "cloves," the last, the nightshade, she glosses over.

"Testing out the booth? It seems like a pretty straight-forward concept to me. You rent a booth and then people can see your wares and buy them if they like." Loe is giving Bailey a look like the other girl might not quite have all her marbles. The blonde doesn't bend toward the pouches when they're open and displayed, though perhaps she just doesn't realize she's supposed to be shopping with her nose--at least not until Bailey names them. "Ah, you deal in spices." It's the last pouch, the unnamed one, that she does bend to sniff at. Her eyes cut to the trader, waiting for her to supply the name.

Why pay when you can get it for free? Bailey’s not about to give voice to that little plan of hers, however. The look Loe gives her might be just the angle the brunette’s going for - airhead! She spoils that notion with a shrug and a sweet little wrinkle of nose, commenting “Bit risky laying down marks if you don’t know that you’ll find return.” Nodding as a small smirk appears over Loe’s words for what she trades, “Spices, vanilla scented rinse for your hair,” shrugging once again, “whatever washes up on shore from ship wrecks” Spoken like a true scavenger. Big baby blues meet the blonde’s green eyes steadily, a brow lifting in response as if testing the other woman’s knowledge. She’s not giving out any names just yet.

Loe doesn't make any guess. It's a safe bet that she doesn't know what's in the third pouch, or at the very least doesn't actually care. There's something more pressing at hand anyway and the blonde smiles across that counter so very sweetly, and yet not really. She speaks like she's explaining something to a child. "Except that... it's prety clear what you'll find. A booth. If you want to display what you're selling in the booth, you have to the pay rent." She flicks her eyes down at the display of things to be sold, those pouches, in the booth, and back to Bailey again. The brow arches to ask if she's got the concept yet.

Bailey allows her lips to part a little as she listens -intently- to what Loe is trying to explain to her, widening her eyes a fraction as if she were learning something for the very.first.time. With her mouth forming a pretty little ‘Oh’ right at the end there, and a show of all the disappointed reluctance in the world, she pulls the pouches back toward her and carefully reties the cords closed again. Looking about the empty booth, she expels a little sigh (so sad) and back to Loe again, “It was fun to pretend though.” Out of the corner of her eye she catches the rightful owner of the booth just coming into view down a path. Uh oh. Brightening up and flashing a grin the blonde woman’s way, “Anyhow, it’s been fun,” playing pretend together, “see you around.” And quick as a flash, the ‘addle-brained’ brunette is striding down the path in the opposite direction to which the booth owner comes trundling along.

ista, bailey, loe

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