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Jul 03, 2010 22:26

OOC - Backdated to have occured shortly before Bailey finished up working at the Beach House.

Bailey and P'draig tell Palia about the baby. Well, Bailey lets Paddy do the talking and Palia asks some very awkward questions. Kids, you gotta love 'em ;)

Private Quarters, The Beach House(#1681RA)
Porch-wrapped on three sides and blocked off from the restaurant by sliding doors, the private area of the cothold boasts a spacious living area with a round table for feeding family and friends and plenty of comfortable seating, including two long couches and a plethora of brightly colored floor cushions in all shades of the rainbow. Three private rooms open up off the corridor on the far end of the living area, each looking out onto a different porch.

A big four seater swing sways in the breezes on the front porch, while the back porch is screened in and hung with several rope mesh and canvas sling chairs and a hammock. Several boxes at strategic intervals along this porch hold toy and games for Paddy's kids. An outdoor, cistern-supplied shower and outhouse have been strategically built in a cluster of trees to provide some privacy from anyone passing by on the beach.
Obvious exits:

The windows of the Beach House have been thrown open to catch the sea breezes, though screens protect the interior from the intrusion of bugs. Paddy's been tidying and cleaning today and there's an undercurrent of lemon-scented soap to the air inside, everything all neat and ship-shape from the piled up floor cushions in one corner to the gleam of polish on wood. He's just folding up a throw along the back of the couch and looks pretty presentable himself in a button-down shirt and long, but lightweight pants. Palia is tying back the curtains that hang acros the windows on the inside, hair neatly braided and dressed in her typical getup of tank top and shorts. Barefoot.

The slap of sandals likely herald Bailey’s arrival and while she’s aware that this is probably the case, she neither enters nor puts voice to her presence for the first little while, choosing instead to lean up against the doorpost and watch as the brownrider and his daughter go about their domesticities. Finally, a low chuckle breaks her silence, “When you’re done here there’s this little sloop fresh out of the dry docks that could do with a good going over.” Pushing away from her lean, the brunette clothed in a strappy lightweight dress of deep pink that gathers under her bustline, steps into the room inhaling deeply, “Expecting company?”

Palia hears the sandals and waves through the window first as Bailey approaches. Paddy's absorbed enough that he doesn't look up until Bailey voices her greeting. "Hey there," he greets Bailey jovially and laughs at that request. "Need a hand with it, we've got some time." Palia nods energetically and smooths out a fold of the curtains then comes over to give the trader a hug. There's no sounds of pattering feet or childish laughter elsewhere in the cothold, indicating that it's likely Miara has the younger kids elsewhere. "Just you," Paddy says of company and gestures to the couch. "Thirsty? Hungry? There's iced tea, lemonade, fresh fruit and yesterday's cookies."

Drawing Palia into her arms in return of the hug, Bailey drops a kiss onto her head, the greeting going first to the little girl, “Hey sweetie, how you been?” and then to P’draig with a chuckle as she extricates herself, “Depends on what fee you charge for your cleaning service.” Moving further into the room, a hand touches to her chest in harper-like fashion of dramatics, “All this, for me? I feel so special.” Laughter followed by a quick nod of head as she reaches for a floor cushion, obviously intent on helping, “Won’t say no to lemonade and cookies.” A flicker of eyes takes in the brownrider’s attire and curiosity blooms, “Got a date later on?”

Palia's arms tighten around Bailey in turn. "I'm pretty good!" the girl answers brightly and draws away to go curl up on the farther of the two couches. "Well you know, special company," the brownrider says with a wink and then reaches over to rest a hand on Bailey' arm lightly. "That's where they go," he says about the neatly stacked cushions. "Come sit down. I'll get the drinks and snacks." Her last makes him laugh and Paddy shakes his head. "No."

A warm smile follows after Palia and then Bailey’s setting a privately amused look up to the brownrider, “Special, hmm?” Setting the cushions down where indicated, she hesitates and then takes up residence on the closer of the two couches, tucking herself close into a corner of it. Apparently romps in the bedroom are easier territory than visiting in a formal sense. A grin meeting Paddy’s response, “Not? Because that’s not a bad look on you.” As opposed to?

"Definitely," Palia pipes up from her seat and beams acros the way at Bailey which absolves Paddy of answering except with a smile as he heads into the kitchen. He's back shortly with three glasses clinking with ice and a plate of cookies. And let's see, just shorts, just an apron ... yeah this'd be a good clothed look for Paddy. "Thanks. I do actually wear clothes sometimes," Paddy quips brightly.

“As are you both,” Bailey returns with a fond look between father and daughter. In the small silence that forms while Paddy is in the kitchen fingers set to pleating and smoothing out the deep pink fabric over knees set one above the other, in unconscious display of unease. Once the brownrider returns, there comes a soft cough to cover whatever saucy retort had sprung to mind for his quip. Darting a surreptitious look over to Palia, it comes back to land on her father again, “Probably a good thing when it comes to such affairs as Gathers and the likes.” It’s a bland comeback, but in all fairness what else could be said in the presence of a little girl?

Palia hums a little to herself then kicks a foot out, re-curls it. "So do you think we have time to make a sand hold later?" Paddy's setting the glasses out, hands one to Bailey and looks up at her with a grin. "I still have a little bit of trouble with the Istan heat is why I don't tend to wear that /much/ pretty often," the brownrider confesses. Palia? Looks entirely unperturbed as she takes a couple of the cookies and claims a glass for herself.

A little thrown by the question, it takes a moment for Bailey to answer, though when she does it’s with a smile of eagerness, “Sure we do. Perhaps this time we can try making some boats out of those big seed pods that lie around in the jungle?” Taking the glass offered over to her, the brunette ducks her head chuckling then glances up at Paddy under a fall of hair, “Its not the heat I struggle with…” realizing it best not to finish that particular line of thought, the woman switches tracks a little, “I can handle the heat, its just the interminable rain here that gets a bit much.” It seems the woman is happy to rather hold idle conversation than turn to the topic that brought her there in the first place. Perhaps leaving it up to the brownrider to broach it.

"Oh that's a good idea! I know where we can find a bunch of them," Palia answers Bailey, pleased. P'draig meets Bailey's gaze for a moment, humor quirking at the corner of his mouth. "At least it only rains for part of the turn," he says and settles down on the couch next to his daughter, one arm sliding along the back of the couch, his glass of lemonade held in the curl of his other hand resting atop his knee. "So Palia, we wanted to talk to you about something important," the brownrider makes that overture and his daughter's gaze snaps up to find his, suddenly wary.

“We can take a walk and collect some before heading down to the beach then,” Bailey returns with a bright smile that then turns toward Paddy, “Winter and Spring are going to be my official favourite seasons here,” announced with a grin. That grin slides off and the brunette’s expression becomes tense, pale eyes flicking between father and daughter, offering a wan smile Palia’s way. Unsure of how to even begin she lifts her hand in helpless gesture for the brownrider to continue. Yup, she’ll just sit here quietly, sipping her lemonade and let him do aaaall the talking.

"Autumn and winter," is Paddy's take on that. "Seems like it's just wet from the middle of spring onward," the brownrider tells the trader, then looks back at Palia who is fidgeting with the hems of her shorts. "So Palia, Bailey is going to need to stop working at the Beach House pretty soon, because she's going to have a baby," Paddy says in a clear, but gentle tone, diving right in. "But she'll still be around and will come to visit often."

“Spring has all the new flowers,” Bailey points out and then goes silent watching Palia’s fidgeting with a worried little frown. Once Paddy has delivered the news, the brunette tries on a smile, “We’ll still build sand holds and colour-in together and play dress-up and all of that.” Stopping and nibbling on her lower lip, she glances over to the brownrider, a little out of her depth as she awaits the little girl’s response.

Palia sits up a little straighter, still looking wary and then all of a sudden relaxes back into the couch. "/Oh/," she says and makes big eyes across at Bailey. "Papa, don't build that up so much next time, okay? I think I can /handle/ finding out about a baby," the girl says breezily and hops up off the couch, padding across to sit next to Bailey instead and aims to slide her arms around the trader. "Is it Papa's?" is the next question out of her mouth, gray eyes lifting to Bailey's face and Paddy's head ducks, one palm to his forehead, but his shoulders are shaking with silent laughter. "No Pali-girl, you're not getting a new brother or sister this time."

Watching Palia warily, Bailey can’t help but blink openly when the little girl takes the news so easily in her stride, a crooked grin turning out for the manner in which she chides her father. Surprise and relief are next to make their appearance at finding the child next to her, the trader pulling her in close against her side and nuzzling her cheek against her head. Smiling warmly, “You’re quite an extraordinary little gi…” she doesn’t get much further than that for the question that gets asked of her. Pale eyes fly open wide with a totally guilty expression painting a delightfully rosy hue upon her cheeks. Clearing her throat she’s quick to add in after Paddy, “No, no. It’s Candlario’s.” Nope, she can’t quite look at the brownrider right now.

"Oh, okay," Palia takes that all in stride, really and looks up at Bailey as the trader's cheeks pink up. "Why're you blushing?" she asks, head tilting to the side and Paddy's head ducks a bit lower, shoulders shaking all the harder. It takes him a moment to collect himself then he looks up, clears his throat a few times. "Some people aren't as forward about talking about some things, Palia," he reminds her gently. "Anyway, just wanted to let you know so it wouldn't come as a surprise and you wouldn't miss Bailey too much at the restaurant. But I think I'll take this as a sign to /really/ not worry about it and let you two build sand holds."

On the topic of blushing Bailey lifts her hand and fans at her face a little, “Am not,” sounding more like a nine turn old girl herself rather than a woman of twenty turns. Partial truth delivered, “I just get hot really easily these days,” the unborn child taking the blame. Paddy earns himself a light scowl for his ill concealed mirth on the matter, “You’re a real help, you are.” Despite the slight bleed of sarcasm into her tone, the trader can’t help the amused twitch of lips as she realizes how this must all have looked from the brownrider’s point of view. Trying to recover some of her dignity, “And its not that I’m embarrassed or ashamed, its just that, well…” searching for the right words to give to Palia, “I don’t know what kind of things a clever little girl like you should or shouldn’t know, see?” In a conspiratorial aside to the little girl, “I say the wrong thing to you and next thing I know your father’s serving me up tunnelsnake with fried wherry toes,” wink.

"Are /too/," Palia claims brightly and lifts up tentative fingers to touch the color. Paddy just gives Bailey his best innocent look. "From the mouths of babes," is what he comes up with ultimately. "Tunnelsnake isn't that bad," Palia claims, apparently having tried it, "but wherry knuckles are /awful/," she says quite seriously. "Promise you'll never serve those in the restaurant, Papa?" Up come Paddy's hands. "You have my word. And Bailey, if there's ever a question, just ask," he says mildly and leans back to have some lemonade, apparently still amused over the whole thing. "Let's go make sand holds," is Palia's ultimate decision. "And I can tell you all of my favorite baby names."

“Am not,” Bailey produces with a chuckle trying to catch that finger of Palia’s. The innocent look coming off of the brownrider is rewarded with an amused lift of brow, low laughter following his words, “The day will come dragonrider…” a smirk replacing what doesn’t need to be said there. A light shudder greets the little girl’s proclamation, “Eugh! I’d rather eat my own foot than one of those things again,” a definite nod of agreement on the matter of wherry toes. “Come on then,” standing, the trader holds out a hand to Palia, “I think I’m going to call the baby, Mango,” let’s hope she’s teasing there, “But if you know any pretty girl’s names?” A long look is sent to Paddy before the two leave for the beach and playtime, “I’ll hold you to that.”

P'draig gives Bailey another 'whaaaaat' type look and Palia takes Bailey's hand. "Mango? Like the fruit? Shells, I can come up with better names than /that/," the girl claims and starts to head out the door, tugging on Bailey to come with. P'draig just smiles at the pair, meets Bailey's look. "You know where to find me," is his quiet reply as the two head out into the spring sunshine.

The last words Paddy will likely hear floating back are Bailey’s in response to Palia, “Aye, like the fruit. Someone made me promise that I’d call my first child, Mango. Mango’s are nice cheerful fruits, don’t you think? Besides, most everyone likes them.” On and on the silly chatter in defence of the fruit as a name for a child will go.

ista, *baby, palia, *candlario, p'draig, bailey

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