Vignette: Happy Turnday

Jun 30, 2010 08:13

Who knows how she came about the information? Perhaps it was gleaned from Fremond during his stay on board the Even'Star, or maybe it was found whilst rifling through Candlario's papers. Either way, Bailey has figured out when his turnday is.

Early morning, just as Rukbat’s first rays banish night from the sky, a gift wrapped in a cloth of deep hue is delivered and left propped against the cabin door of the Orchid Rain. From its overall elliptical shape, tapered nose and three protrusions arcing from its tail, it’s not a wild leap of the imagination to guess at what it might be. Tucked within the folds of fabric, is an envelope.

The Gift:
Once the cloth wrappings are drawn away what stands revealed is a surfboard specifically designed and constructed with the intended recipient in mind. Of standard assembly, the custom design of flames that curl about the nose spilling midway down the glossy white of the board and repeating again over the fins are what sets it apart from those available down at the market.

The Envelope:
This contains two separate pieces of paper. The first, a note that has been folded and scripted in familiar hand as follows, Bailey’s tongue-in-cheek humour evident:

Happy Turnday Old Man,
Some men take a mistress to ease the passing of their mid-life crisis; you get this and a chance to dazzle all the ladies on the beach with your prowess instead.

However, I intend to keep the mark bits I’ll be charging the women who no doubt will be standing at the ready to towel you down once you emerge dripping wet from the ocean.

≈ Bailey ≈

The second piece of paper is smaller and upon closer inspection proves to be the ticket stub from the recently held cottage raffle. Written across its back is a simple directive:

Hand your affairs over to Fremond for the next three days and meet me at the Beachcomber cottage tonight.

Should Candlario comply, he’ll find himself treated like a lord over the next few days. Among other things, breakfast in bed each morning, candle lit dinner served on the small porch each evening, and all the time he wants to play with his new ‘toy’ will be his to enjoy. The only thing that won’t be, will be the brunette herself as apart from her company and undivided attention, heavy and awkward in her current state, she shies away from anything suggesting physical intimacy.

*candlario, vignette

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