Log: No Honor Amongst Thieves.

Jun 24, 2010 20:08

IC: Winter - Day 12, month 1, turn 23 of Interval 10.
RL: 2010.06.24

A busy day at the market brings with it a pretty redheaded customer, A'nas, and the unrealized loss of a piece of jewellery.

Market, Ista Weyr(#916RJ)
Clustered around the path leading between the beach and the jungle stands a diamond of eight wooden stalls, two to a side. Staffed by a kaleidoscope of Istans from around the island, the market features a changing array of local products from ubiquitous shell jewelry to season-conscious umbrellas and surfboards. It's Buyer Beware, though: the quality of the products varies, but then again so does the quality of salesmanship, and it's just as likely to find a overvalued rip-off as an underpriced treasure.
Open to the air when the weather is good, the market has several tools at its disposal to deal with less genial conditions. The round pit in the center of the stalls, which visitors may choose to skirt or gather around, can be used for a small bonfire on the rare cold days. A big, heavy stretch of oilcloth and a thinner gauze material have been bundled up and nailed to the trees just behind the market, ready to be stretched out for shelter or shade on days that are too rainy or too hot.

Obvious exits:
Plateau Trader Camp

It’s the winters in Ista that most find to be the most enjoyable with only the occasional shower of rain and almost none of the usual cloying humidity. As such, the market is thronged by those out and about enjoying the weather, the air filled with traders calling attention to their wares. Relatively new amongst those ranks of market traders, is Bailey, the dark haired woman currently extolling the virtues of a natty little green number to a young redheaded woman that holds it against herself. Stepping round from the back of the counter, a small curtained off booth set to one side is indicated, “Try it on and see for yourself, the shade is just perfectly suited to someone with your hair colour.”

A'nas wanders through the hordes, pausing a few paces off one or two stalls with leather goods but not coming too close lest the traders take him for a customer. He gets away with it, mainly by looking fairly insignificant in working clothes, just another teenager having a look. His stroll brings him by Bailey's booth, and he would have walked on past the ladies' clothing and accoutrements if he hadn't spotted the woman herself. He doesn't greet her, not wanting to interrupt business or perhaps more interested in eying the redhead without drawing attention to himself, and lingers off to the other side, idly looking at what she's got for sale.

Laid out on the end closest to where the dark haired trader stands, are pieces of jewellery of smithcraft quality; necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings. Placed just above them is a chest with its lid propped open containing other pieces of similar quality but each engraved with some or other pet name. With the pretty young redhead still wavering, Bailey does a quick cast around for a male to press into offering favourable opinion. It’s A’nas onto whom her attention falls, a sly grin forming as she lifts a finger and beckons him over, “She needs a man’s opinion here,” affording the teen that upgrade in masculine rank, “Tell her she’d look pretty enough to attend a Gather in this.” For her part, the redhead’s cheeks bloom a lovely rosy hue as big brown eyes bat thick fringes of lashes the weyrling’s way.

A'nas is happy to oblige, straightening up ever so slightly under the effect of the pretty redhead's attention and a designation to live up to. Mercifully, his voice (deepened for the occasion) does not crack when he attests, "Definitely. Everyone'll want to dance with you." A quick look to Bailey acts as him checking to see if he's done well before laying on the flattery thicker. "Green really suits you."

The redhead basks in the attention, a wide smile turning out for A’nas’s compliments. With arms folded over her rounded belly, Bailey can’t help the smirk that forms as she watches on, sending a quick wink the weyrling’s way as evidence of a job well done. “-Now- will you go and try it on? I’m sure A’nas here wouldn’t mind waiting around while you change,” a questioning look going to the teen as arms unfold and sweep aside the curtain of the changing booth. In the meantime, several other patrons have stopped to peruse the wares laid out on the table and the brunette finds herself torn as she identifies one of them as being a customer returning to pick up an earlier purchase. To A’nas as the redhead steps under her arm and into the booth, “Would you watch that no one disturbs while she changes? I just need to help those people quickly.”

A'nas's charmed smile is his answer, a willing pawn. "No problem," he assures both Bailey and the redhead in case she's worried about anyone busting in on her. The weyrling does his duty, not even trying to peek past the curtain, half-turning away as if to afford Bailey's customer greater privacy. The jewellery has his eye, curiosity bringing him closer to the display. He spares a glance towards the proprietress to see if she's occupied and calls to the redhead in the booth, ostensibly solicitous and pitched loud enough for Bailey to hear that he's still doing his job, "Let me know if you need anything."

Thank heavens for small mercies, or should we say teenaged weyrlings. For aside from casting a quick glance over her shoulder to check that A'nas is indeed standing guard rather than trying to catch a peek of the pretty redhead changing in the booth, all of Bailey's attention falls to the patrons before her. The returning customer is handed his package and a promise extracted from him to let her know how the gift was received. A few well placed words still an argument about to erupt over a bead encrusted sisal scarf and finds the trader with her back turned to where the jewellery lies for but a moment as she digs around in a box behind the counter trying to find a scarf of similar design for the other woman. Triumphant she straightens, hand to back for the deep bend and holds the article up for both woman to admire, "There you go, now you can each have one."

The teen minds his manners throughout his seemingly offhand inspection, resisting the urge to touch or hold up the sparklier pieces of jewellery to the light. It's when Bailey fully turns her back that A'nas drops the act and reaches out, watching the trader from the corner of his eye and trusting that her clients are busy making their own decisions. He bypasses the display pieces at the front and plucks a silver pendant from the jewellery box and then, casual as can be, slips the piece into his pocket without the least inspection.

Timing is everything for right at the moment that A’nas pockets the silver pendant, so the curtain on the booth ruffles and the redhead steps through, executing a little twirl for his benefit. The dress an item of short sleeved creation with a hemline intended to sit just above the knee, fits well save for the length. “Whadda ya think?” the girl asks breathily of the weyrling. Satisfaction wreathing her features as she pockets the marks and waves the two women off, Bailey turns and takes the few steps back to the changing booth, “I’ve got a deal with a seamstress down at the docks that can shorten those,” a finger waving at sleeves and hemline, “for you, for a quarter of what it would normally cost.”

A'nas barely has time to adopt his moderately bored expression again before the redhead sashays out of the changing booth, at which point the teenager, turning, looks fully appreciative. "Looks great," he says, but it's his expression that goes further to convey approval than the words. "I've still got a bit of time left so I could take you down," he volunteers, sounding keen to escort the girl - and hopeful that her quest for approval on the green dress might extend further.

The young redhead fairly beams for the attention received from A’nas and quick as a wink she’s back in the changing booth, calling out as she slips back into her own clothing, “Okay, I’ll be right out, then we can go. Do you want to do lunch too, maybe?” sounding ever so hopeful. Bailey, for her part is having a hard time hiding her amusement for the exchange under way between the two teens. Coughing into a press of fingers to her mouth in an attempt to strip the humour from her tone, she points out as the young woman emerges once again, “Marks first, then the seamstress,” her hand held out expectantly for payment.

"Sure," A'nas says, tone of voice aiming for easygoing but the look turned to Bailey while the girl dresses full of disbelief for his good fortune. There's a faintly nervous air about him, too, with his hands stuffed in his pockets as he waits. He tries to cover it up by asking for specifics, familiar with the docks but not with tailors. "What's her name?"

For brief moment, Bailey narrows an intent look onto A'nas, possibly trying to discern what's got the teen a little wound up. That is until the young redhead assuming the look given the weyrling to be that of potential competition (yes really, pregnant older woman versus pretty bubbly teenage girl), drops the requested marks into the trader's palm and with a little toss of head, lays claim to her escort by means of slipping a hand to his arm. Amused by the action taken, the trader can't help but chuckle softly, flicking her fingers in dismissive gesture to the two after she's done wrapping the girl's package and handing it to her, "Her name's Lirian. Just tell her I sent you."

It's easy enough to believe that it's the prospect of time alone with this girl who's made A'nas the slightest bit edgy, particularly as he has an expression of surprise when she stakes her claim. The teen puts a history of playacting to good use as he tries to appear like this is a normal occurrence, smiling at the redhead whose name he still doesn't know. "Right, will do!" A'nas says right before they move away, with Anil having learned enough of how to earn women's favour by offering to carry the package.

“Marise,” the redhead provides, happy to let A’nas do the manly thing and carry her package for her, putting a beguiling smile up to the weyrling as they head toward the docks. Watching the two go, there’s a short chuckle of amusement from Bailey and then she’s turning toward the blessed relief of a chair and being able to enjoy a short stint taking load off her feet before the next rush hits, totally unaware of what has just transpired.

ista, *baby, a'nas, bailey

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