Log: Planned self-indulgence.

Jun 08, 2010 22:40

IC: Day 20, month 12, turn 22 of Interval 10.
RL: 08.06.2010

Bailey and Loe at the site of the almost completed cottages finds her booking a stay at one of them and agreeing to sell tickets for the Headwoman’s raffle during a bit of a brainstorming session.

Cottage Construction Site(#785RJ)

Some way from the main beaches, the solid wall of Ista's lush, tropical jungles is broken by three wide paths, each leading to its own secluded little clearing. While the center of the clearings have been leveled and excess debris removed, the edges are dotted with stumps still waiting to be pulled up and piles of wood now ready to be used in construction. Woodcrafters and the Weyr's carpenters mill around industriously, working to turn felled trees into lumber, securing the foundations, starting on the framework of three simple cottages and ready to help volunteers find jobs suited to their skills. Plenty of hammers, saws, nails and other various tools of the trade are available, as well as glimpses of the blueprints and drawings of the finished site: three cozy little one room cottages with simple porches, surrounded by small decorative gardens, looking out on a view of the beach and the sea beyond.

Obvious exits:

This time of the turn sees the shift of warm water currents to the south, pulling much of Ista's stagnant humidity with it and leaving the island, warm, breezy, sunny and all around beautiful. Or, at least today is that way. Down the beach, the new cottages are just about completed, the structures built and the work turning to landscaping and finishing touches. Furniture has yet to be moved in, as the crews are still cleaning up, standing down rough surfaces and making sure there aren't any nails dangerously poking out anywhere. Loe stands on the porch of the first cottage, a clipboard under her arm, a bag and a waterskin slung over her shoulder and in her hands, a slate on which she seems to be drawing rather than writing. Periodically, she exchanges pleasantries with the crew, but largely everyone seems to be working independantly without much need for direction.

With the activity around the construction site, it’s more than likely that the arrival of another is not going to be immediately noticed. As such, stepping out of the shadows and off the path that had carried her there, Bailey takes a few minutes while her eyes adjust from jungle gloom to bright daylight to take in the progress made. It’s in this survey of the area that her attention lands on Loe. With her mouth crooked around the edges of a grin, she makes her way over to where the blonde supervises the goings on, “Things are really coming along nicely.” No greeting, just that statement that really, could simply have been her thinking out loud.

Loe turns before her eyes actually leave her slate, a smile blooming as her gaze sets on someone, a veritable stranger, who offers their outside opinion. Being that it's a good one, the headwoman looks quite please. "Thank you. I agree. They're turning out pretty well. Though it'll take a little time for the plants to fill in." Her chin tips as she looks down beside the porch where a few small bushes and flowers are looking neat but sparse. "It'll take some maintenence to keep the jungle out of the yard too but..." She shrugs. A minor expense.

"Kind of ironic," Bailey notes with some amusement, a hand indicating the newly planted shrubbery, "We need these to grow as quickly as possible," using 'we' as if somehow she were a part of all this, "And that," her hand sweeping back toward the jungles, "To slow down. The herbalists should invent some kind of growth retardant spray or something." In all the talking, steps have carried her up to where Loe is, on the porch. Now she peers toward a doorway, squinting her eyes to better try and see the interior without actually going in, "How many rooms do they each have?" her interest open.

"Exactly," Loe agrees with a smirk. "Hopefully these," an angling of her slate down to the garden, "Will grow in quickly but not require too much tending. I don't want to end up spending all our earnings on gardening. I'm hoping that one day, once a month, will be enough to keep it all orderly." She watches Bailey's approach, her obvious curiosity of the interior. "You can go in if you like. They're each just a single room, going on the assumption that occupants would be here to vacation together." The door isn't on yet and so Loe just gestures for Bailey to head inside, where she will find, as explained, a single, if spacious room. "I'm thinking we'll put the bed to the back," Loe goes on. "Table and chairs over here, a cabinet for dishes and such. They're each going to be different though. Different color schemes, ambience. Hoping that people will be interested in returning to try them all." She tips her head back and forth, a little motion that says she's got her fingers crossed for that angle to work.

Shrugging, “Then put out a call for volunteers,” they’re free, “I’m sure there’s more than a few stuck in those dingy dorms that may have left gardens of their own behind and would love the chance to get their fingers dirty.” Seems simple enough to her. The offer to enter and look around inside the near completed cottage finds Bailey crossing its threshold, her attention going to the areas as Loe speaks of potential layout plans. “So, something along the lines of a honeymoon suite, a business suite and a general vacation suite? Or is your idea for them all to be the romantic getaway type affair?” this to the different plans for each. Turning a glance back to the blonde, “You said a cabinet for dishes. Would there also be provision made for self-catering or would the Weyr supply a simple menu that can be ordered off of?” My, my, so many questions!

Loe cants her head without faith. "Well, everyone in the dorms is getting paid already, one way or another. The gardening shouldn't be an issue. And I've already factored in regular housekeeping." As for the decorating, "More that one might be all in whites and creams, more an upscale feel? And another in sea colors and beach decor, all out island-style. Another... I'm not entirely certain yet. Dark woods, perhaps? More decadent?" She leans a shoulder against the door jamb, just watching Bailey and looking around the room herself, picturing it. "Did you see the skylight?" a finger lifting towards a section of the ceiling that can be opened up for sleeping under the stars or whatever. "We're still sorting out the details of meals. My hope, though, is that most of them will be taken at the Sandbar and the Beach House. It's best when the Weyr's ventures support one another."

There’s a small nod on the subject of maintaining the gardens. Bailey’s attention going rather to the elaboration on décor, fingers trailing along the walls as she moves about the room, “I like the dark wood idea. Perhaps using some lovely deep gem colours such emerald, ruby,” she probably would have gone on except that Loe distracted her by mentioning the skylights. Pale eyes light up and she moves until she’s directly under said skylight. With head tilted back a delighted grin breaks free, “Now -that- is brilliant!” The brunette’s head drops back down and she turns a slightly bemused expression onto the blonde, “The Beach House is considered one of the Weyr’s ventures?”

See, now if Bailey is going to light up then Loe will too, so pleased at the reaction to that little indulgence of a skylight. "The point of vacationing at Ista is to enjoy the island weather, right? Hopefully it won't leak during... other island weather. The builders have assured me that there's enough thatching around it to deflect any water away from the edges when it's closed. They still have to rig it up for easy opening and closing." Ah, details, details. "And, well, the Beach House may not be funneling it's profits directly to the Weyr, but if it were to be a draw, something that brings people here, people who might then also visit the market and encourage traders to continue to come, or people who might walk down the beach and see these cottages and want to rent one... Everyone's success is connected, I believe."

Where Bailey was on the verge of pointing out the more dismal side of island weather, Loe beats her to it, which results in the brunette ending up with a scrunchy-wrinkled-nose type of look in place. That smoothes out into a crooked grin, "You could always have a harper paint pretty pictures to put over the closure for guests to look at when the weather's, you know, not playing along?" She's teasing. Probably. Having completed her 'tour' of the spacious room, she returns to where the Headwoman is leaned up against the door, an 'Ah' expression fitting into place as the link between Weyr and other ventures is explained. "That reminds me, the Even'Star comes out of the dry docks soon, so I should probably go and see Nenita." Somewhat off topic there. Back to that of the cottages, "So, these should be finished up within the next few months, right? What sort of rental are you looking at charging? Daily, weekly or monthly?"

Her brows lift, considering the idea of painting, murals, all that goes with it. For mention of the Even'Star, Loe just tips her head, which could as much be acknowledgement or just a gesture toward the door for them to move back outside to the porch. "They should be done sooner than that. A few weeks at most, taking into consideration that we might be delayed in procuring a few things to finish them off. I'd imagine, as far as finishing touches go, construction should be done in a matter of days." The headwoman rights herself from the wall, rolling a shoulder to settle it back into place. "One mark for a week's rental. It's about a month's stipend for most people. Affordable for just about anyone willing to save. And if we can reach full occupancy, we'll recoup our losses in under a turn." With hardly a pause: "What's your plan for the Even'Star?"

Bailey takes that gesture to mean the latter and moving passed the Headwoman, steps back out onto the porch. When she doesn’t follow, the sea-trader/waitress turns a look back to the other woman, answering the question put to her, “Among other things, I had it in mind to take tourists for day trips along the coast. Maybe throw in a packed lunch from the Beach House and stop along the way to picnic on a beach or something. But now,” pausing in short contemplation and then taking up her train of thought once again, “Considering what you were saying about how everything connects up around here? Transporting potential guests to and fro might be worth looking into as well.” Taking to a sort of perch/lean against a section of partially completed railing, her hands placed on either side to steady herself, she wanders back over to talk of cottage rentals, “How far in advance can one make a booking?”

"The docks aren't a far walk from here so... I would expect vacationers would be happy to take a day cruise." Loe flicks a smile of 'see how it all ties in?' and joins Bailey on the porch. Carefully, she puts clipboard and slate together and balances them on a section of rail to swing her waterskin forward. Time for a drink. "It might be nice to offer some regular sea access to those up and down the coast. Part of the cruise could also be to pick up and drop off visitors." She takes her sip of water and her brows furrow faintly. "I haven't thought about any sort of limitation. I don't see why one would be necessary. Were you interested?"

Amused agreement stretches across the smile Bailey sends in return, "For the really lazy or pampered ones we could always put a donkey cart together." Pale eyes follow Loe's movements, touch on the waterskin bringing a brief grin of unspoken heritage into being and then drop away again. Setting one foot against a support pole of the railing for balance, the other extends before her as she nods, "Yes, that's where my thinking was going too. Two birds, one stone. Initially, I'd prefer to operate only on specific days though, as I do have other commitments in place. When and if demand dictates, then we can rethink things." The furrowing of brows does not go unnoticed, as such the brunette strives for a non-committal air, "Oh, I just thought it might be nice to try one of them out myself. Around say, month four next turn?" as if needing to explain the date chosen, "Going to need time to save up," a small chuckle following the borrowing of the Headwoman's earlier observations.

With an extension of the uncapped waterskin, Loe wordlessly offers it to the dark-haired girl. "Other commitments?" she wonders with an open smile. "I don't really know the details of your discussion with Nenita, what the arrangement is to be." Her glance is drawn back to the cottage, letting her imagination wander momentarily. "I could put you down for a week in month four of next turn. I don't think that's too far in advance at all. I've actually been thinking..." And that thinking pulls her smile wide and sly, please with whatever notion she's had rolling around. "That I might raffle off a few nights before we officially open them for guests. A run through, to see how people respond to them, what they might need, so on and so forth." And now Loe's brow lifts to see if Bailey might also be interested in -that-.

Wordless appreciation and thanks comes in the form of the smile and tip of head as Bailey takes up the waterskin. After a long cooling swallow, she hands it back, “Just ferrying small cargo here and there for people. One favour for another. That kind of thing,” noncommittal. As to any arrangements with the Weyrwoman there comes a small shrug, “We hadn’t really gotten into discussing any details as I hadn’t started work on the Even’Star yet. Which is why I should go hunt Nenita down now that she’s just about ship-shape,” excuse the pun, “Unless that’s a discussion that should involve the both of you?” brows lifting upward in query as to how these things work at the Weyr. An expectant look hovers over Loe as she starts musing out loud, curiosity filtering in for the sly smile. Once the plan has been revealed its approval that greets its announcement, “Put me down for a week in month four next turn and I’ll gladly help sell those raffle tickets,” as an afterthought, or perhaps simply trying her luck though the crafty undertone might destroy that notion, “Perhaps some kind of a discount or kickback for selling them maybe?”

Loe spreads a smile. "Well, perhaps that would be up to Nenita. But I'm happily available if you're interested in another brain to pick." After she has the 'skin slung back on her shoulder, she takes the clipboard from the porch rail to make the note. "Month four, turn twenty-three," she murmurs as she writes. Then a dash, then she looks up at the girl in front of her. "Bailey, right?" she guesses with a narrowed eye, taking a stab at pairing a relatively unfamiliar face with a relatively unfamiliar name. And then, oh the raffle tickets, she ponders that for a few moments, staring at the page with her pen poked into the corner of her mouth. "If you were interested in buying a bunch to resell... I might be inclined to throw in a few for free?" she suggests with a wry twist to her lips, a delighted spark to her green eyes.

Strangely enough, its surprise for the offer made, that colours Bailey expression, “Thanks. Though you might regret having made that offer,” teasing. Watching with a little satisfied look as Loe makes her notations, “Could I come down and have a look at them once they’re all finished up and furnished and then book a particular one?” Caught out when the Headwoman correctly identifies her, the chuckle comes low, “Aye, Bailey. Or Sin. But I don’t have any spices with me today,” as if the one might have something to do with the other. Wrinkling her nose in rueful manner as she pushes away from the railing, “Sadly, I’ve already promised what marks I have to another venture,” pausing and then continuing, “But, I may know someone who might be willing to front me the marks?” She’s obviously that interested in the idea. “Would I be the only one selling them?” the tickets.

"Certainly. We'll get them all furnished and polished and you can take a peak and have your pick." Loe has no trouble with that idea and she even makes another note to remind herself of it sometime in the future. "Well, whatever you need to do with your own money situation is your business, but no, you wouldn't be the only one selling them. I plan on selling them myself, letting people come by the office or doling them out when I'm running around the Weyr. And anyone who wanted to buy a bunch to resell, I would probably offer the same deal to. Let's say... for every ten tickets purchased, I'd throw in a free on. A sixteenth a ticket."

Pleased with the confirmation given, Bailey smiles her satisfaction and moves on, the small crinkle of brow that arrives speaking to her displeasure with ticket sales not being an exclusive deal. She doesn’t however, give voice to this. Glancing over to the other two cottages on site and then back to Loe she nods her agreement for the deal on earning free tickets before asking, “A sixteenth mark a ticket. Wholesale or retail?” Lifting a finger as something occurs to her, “Are they to be available to anyone interested,” as in tourists, “or only island inhabitants?”

"Anyone, I suppose," Loe answers with a shrug. "As long as everyone understands this is for a trial run, that the purpose is to get a feel for what might need to be changed, to let the staff involved get used to the new process. Things like that." Ah, but wholesale versus retail? That makes her brow arch as she smiles her knowing little smile. "And that would be the price paid to me and the Weyr, so anyone who wanted a ticket could just buy one from me at that price rather than buying one that's had its price inflated so that some crafty wretch could try to make a profit. The free ticket is the profit, you see? Keep it for yourself, sell it. But the tickets cost a sixteenth."

Accepting Loe’s reply, yet another question gets asked, “You going to put a guest book or suggestion box in each cottage so that people can voice their opinions and such? Because some people might feel a little shy about doing so face-to-face.” Just a thought, use it, don’t use it, the twitch of shoulder seems to say. For once Bailey’s expression mirrors the internal conflict - anything to make a mark versus a small sense of self-indulgence to chance her luck at winning a free stay. Finally it’s with a wry twist of lips that she concedes to the Headwoman’s way of handling the matter. Turning now as if to take her leave, she remarks through a sense of regained humour, “You drive a hard bargain.” That observation carrying with it a modicum of approval for the other woman.

Loe pokes her tongue to her teeth. "I hadn't considered it, actually. Perhaps we will leave some sort of suggestion box, though I doubt there would be all that much anonymity, seeing as how we wouldn't be unaware of who was staying in which cottage." Still, she likes the idea enough to make a note. Always with the notes. When she looks up from her page to see Bailey turning, the sailor gets a broad, easy grin. "I have heard that, yes. Perhaps, when it comes time to making the tickets, I'll be more generous. We'll just have to wait and see." Ah, it's a cheeky smile she flashes now. "But either way, I have you down for a week in month four. Something to look forward to. And you are, officially, our first booking. Maybe we'll throw in a fruit basket." She gives the girl a wink.

Eyes flicker down to the note heavy clipboard and back over to Loe, her own grin in place, “There’s never such a thing as not being able to turn an extra mark somewhere. Opportunity,” spreading her arms wide in what might appear to be a care-free gesture, “Comes in all shapes and sizes.” That little display slips somewhat at mention of having something to look forward to, come the agreed upon date. Lips twist marginally in a rueful manner and then wrap around the shape of a wry chuckle as she shakes whatever that was, off, when named as the first official booking, “In which case, I am deeply honoured and shall name my first child Apple.” For the potential basket of fruit.

Loe gets ready to go back to what she was doing, whatever sketching was happening on that slate before Bailey showed up, tucking the clipboard back under her arm to leave her hands free for doodling. Not that she's in too much of a hurry that she can't comment on the naming of firstborn. "Mango," she corrects the sailor with a bright, sunny grin. "Might as well keep an island influence in there. Papaya. Papaya is cute. Thanks for stopping by Bailey. And all the ideas. I'm eager now to show you the finished products."

True laughter meets the correction, "Mango it is then." Poor kid! She'd turned away already, taken a step off of the porch when Loe's words reach her ears. Turning a reflective look over to the Headwoman, a smile of warmer proportions appears, "Thank you too, for taking the time out to tell me all about everything that you have planned," eyes shine with open anticipation, "And I'm really looking forward to seeing it all done and getting the grand tour." With that and a small wiggle of fingers in farewell, Bailey's on her way back to whatever it is the day holds for her, leaving the blonde to her clipboard and project.

ista, *baby, bailey, loe

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