Log: Swallow It Down

May 15, 2010 22:20

IC: Day 1, month 10, turn 22 of Interval 10.
RL: 2010.05.14

Rio’s back and Bailey finds herself eating crow, and then meeting one of his new crew members who promptly gets searched when Halsten happens along with K’vrey. Wix is also met briefly.

[OOC - Sadly time fell apart on all of us toward the end.]

Docks, Ista Weyr(#450RJ)
Like fingers stretching out to sea, Ista's dockyards provide plenty of room to berth the ships that ply their trade here. Stone pilings support the wooden planking, the whole sturdy and well-worn from the constant traffic of the sailors and dockworkers that come and go with the tide. Thick posts march along both sides of the docks, rising half a man-height; from a few of them dangle salt-swollen and sun-bleached ropes. The ocean murmurs and slops at the pilings, rarely stretching itself to make the planks more than damp. A short distance to the east lies the Sandbar and out across the water distant shapes outline the small islands that dot Ista's famous black sand coastline.

+view boats
Obvious exits:
Beach The Sandbar

Early morning, just a scant few hours after sunrise finds the Istan docks starting to come to life. Bailey’s up and about, coming from the direction of a large fishing vessel that’s just docked, a bucket of bait in hand and a bronze firelizard dancing excited circles above her head. Head down, she’s humming the melody to a rather raunchy sea ditty causing more than one snicker from those she passes by.

There's more than the typical buzz of activity around one of the ships just coming in. Lines being tossed over and ropes pulled in tight as men secure the Orchid Rain to the docks. The gangplank is already down though, even as the last of the knots are tied up to secure her. High above on one of the sail-bare masts, there's a bright, scolding chitter of a firelizard, but it's too dim to see it yet. "Hey, isn't that song the one about the sailor's peg-leg?" Candlario asks as he works to secure a rope around the pier-post where Bailey passes him. Maybe it's dark enough still that she'd not recognize him. Hhmm.

It’s right at that moment, when she’s passing by the darkened hulk of the Orchid Rain, that Skipper decides he’s waited long enough and dive-bombs the bucket of bait causing Bailey to drop it and utter a string of oaths that would have a holder blushing. Hunkering down to scoop the fishy bits up and back into the bucket while trying in vain to bat the firelizard away it takes her a moment or two before she realizes those words were addressed to her. Hands still, she doesn’t need to see him, to recognize his voice. The silence draws out just that touch longer as she tries to compose herself. Luckily the pulse that’s begun a wild tango at the base of her throat is probably hidden by the low dawn light. A low chuckle and then as she stands, anything else is schooled behind a carefully composed smile, “So, you’re back.”

The shadowy firelizard must have seen that snack. Not just her, the chittering gold one, but a trio of other firelizards that the crew must have managed to impress take advantage of the fish-slop. Of course there might be a wild one amoung them, but who knows. The spilled fish-bits get snatched up by eager claws but the gold tries to land on the edge of the bucket, scolding the bronze and trying to take his bait. Rio chuckles and finishes his knot work before crossing over, "Back. Yup." Spared much awkward greetings and the like by trying to help her shoo the lizards away from the easy meal. "You're still here I see. All in one piece even."

Bailey almost leaps back from the bucket as other firelizards descend upon it, with Skipper not having any of it from his gold clutchmate (not that he’d know the association) as he puffs his little chest up and tries to look all kinds of fierce. When Rio sets to shooing them away, the brunette chuckles again, “Leave them to it he doesn’t eat it all, besides, it’s high time he had some competition other than the old man’s blue.” Initially appearing to fall easily back into bantering mode. With a jerk of chin toward the chittering melee currently under way, “Any of them yours?” As to the question put to her, she sends a wry look up the big man’s way, the vestiges of a smirk lying just beneath the surface, “You could say so. Though you might want to check on your man,” entirely fudging the truth, “Had to take him in hand a few times. Think I’ve got him well enough house trained now.” Almost believable, but not quite.

There's a snap for the bronze's efforts, trying to catch a wingtip or tail in her sharp golden jaws. There's only the sweetest of chirps at Rio's shooing though and she leaps into the middle of the bucket--better to snap at the others between hogging up the chow. "Ah, that one." Pointing a wrapped finger at the gold and then showing off his makeshift bandage, "She didn't come without a fight though." Perhaps that's not exactly the truth either. Once she says to leave the lizards be he backs off, sighing heavily and he's quiet for a moment to mull over her response about Fremond. "Took him in hand? Oh, if I could have been a fly on the wall."

Now there’s a big gold lump in his -bucket- no less! Skipper puts a mournful kreeling sound over to Bailey. All he gets in response is a faint lift of brows, “Stop being such a girl’s blouse and sort it out yourself!” Which he immediately does by taking hold of the bucket’s rope handle and trying to fly away with it. Deliberately turning her back on the squabbling firelizards, the brunette spares them just one small glance when Rio points the gold out, another smirk edging out, “Trying to bite the hand that feeds her? You poor, poor man. Shall I kiss it better?” Nodding now and trying to look entirely serious, “Aye. It’s been just -awful-! He threatened to spank me and then tried to poison me,” folding her arms in a feigned show of being unimpressed, “And then he took all my booze away. Is that your idea of payback for my having been such a bitch?” The laughter in her eyes stripping away any unintentional sting to her words.

"I tried to spank you the once too...some good /that/ threat did." Candlario reminds her with a small smile. As for the kissing of his finger, well, he does hold it out, "I think I'd best clean it up before you go kissing it." Then the hand drops away. At the bucket, the gold is pitching a fit but she does secure a sizeable bit of fish that she flutters off with to eat alone. "Oh, he likes to take the booze away. He's done that to me more than once. What did you do to get -your- booze removed?" When she asks about her 'punishment' he winces, looking away. "It was...I was trying to make you feel safe. Even if you didn't want me around. I get it. Doesn't mean I wasn't still worried about you though."

Affecting a sad little pout for his first, eyes betraying a wicked light to them, "And then didn't follow through." Pale eyes track the movement of that finger, down to the drop of his hand, the next coming tumbling out before she has a chance to better think her wording through, "Perhaps a nice hot soak in that tub of yours?" sounding way too suggestive. Then her brain catches up with her mouth and it snaps shut as she quickly looks away. Ahem. Amusement paints itself across her face next, "Oh, so that's like a party trick of his or something?" As to what earned her the punishment of having her booze confiscated? She very conveniently glosses over that, offering instead on the old man, "He's not that bad. Nice once you get passed all the huffing and grumbling," a fond expression forming. Bailey is left frowning at his words, arms unfolding and a hand reaching out a touch to Rio as she takes a step in closer, "You did nothing wrong. It was me. I..." pausing as she tries to negotiate her way around the tricky bits, muttering quietly to herself something along the lines of, 'What was it that 'Mic said again?'

When she suggests the bath, or perhaps it's just the tone, his mouth falls open, just a bit and he blinks at her. "I ... ah....might do that." A double take at her, particularly since he can stare when she looks away without being caught out looking so dumbfounded. Safer ground is scrambled upon when she talks of his man, "Yes, Fremond is great. For all his bark and bite, there's a good man inside. Just sometimes takes a bit to weather it out if he's pissed at you." Firsthand experience there of coures. Then she has to go barreling down the dark topic again, "Bailey, of course I did something wrong." A shake of his head, frowning, "My past /still/ gets me in trouble."

Aaand there’s that blush as her mouth betrays her, yet again. Fremond. Yes, Fremond, he’s much safer ground! Despite the now fading color to her cheeks, Bailey’s lips form around a mischievous grin, “Which, I think he spent half his time being,” pissed at her, “I lay marks on him kissing the decking of the Orchid Rain once he realizes you’re back to save him from the crazy sea hag,” grin. Back to that quagmire of thorny issues her chin lifts in a small display of stubbornness and then she’s shaking her head firmly, “No, you didn’t. You have a past. Big deal. We all do,” breathe in, breathe out, “I was being an ass and should have heard you out before I went throwing all my toys out the pram,” the next sticking in her throat a little for the admission that comes, her tone lowering as a result, “You were right, I was jealous and you had every right to be angry with me and leave.”

"I imagine that he was--mostly. But you don't have any knife holes and so long as he's still drawing breath, he should be happy." A slow smile for Bailey, "Thanks for not kicking him to the shore. He's a good guy, I owe a lot to him. Just, don't let on about that eh?" A quick look around to make sure no one hears him being too kind in regards to the old man. When she apologizes he can't help but blink at her again, doing his best not to look poleaxed, but hey, this was the farthest thing he expected from her. "You were jealous? You?" He clears his throat and ahems into his hand, "Well, it feels great being 'right' for once...but why does it feel like I was still in the wrong?"

Shrugging easily, "I enjoyed the company. Besides, I would never have gotten the decking done without his help." Putting hand to heart in dramatic gesture with a wink, "You're secret's safe with me." Awkward now, her eyes find her feet of extreme interest, fixing to toenails that have been oddly painted each in a different colour. Bailey nods slightly, chancing a glance up to the big man as she does so, "Don't like sharing my toys," this with regards to jealousy, "not the ones I like." Another confession maybe? Tipping her head to one side she sets an intent look over him, at a loss as to why he may still feel he's in the wrong, offering only quietly, "Because for some reason you harbour guilt over something you had no control over. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. It’s just how it is." The skies are starting to turn from dawn's gentle light to full sun now and as such activity is increasing on the docks with more than a few turning curious looks onto the pair.

Candlario takes a slow step in closer to Bailey, giving up the topic of Fremond in exchange for a complete focus on this more serious issue at hand. "I don't like sharing my toys either." His tone low and quiet, "I have been trained over the turns though, to accept it. You're not the only one with a jealous streak." He reaches out to touch her cheek if she'll let him. "Are you going to promise not to throw things at me again if I start talking about my past? I didn't realize how much I'd been hanging onto things. It might take some...time. But I don't want to be closed off to you. If you're not terrified."

She doesn’t move, simply keeping her eyes on Rio when he steps in closer, watchful, careful not to let whatever she may be thinking leak through. Until something he says, and then a dark look crosses her features before a heavy frown sets in and she’s dropping her eyes. With her jaw tightened a fraction, Bailey lifts them once again, “You should have never been put in that position, in the first place.” Some of the tension that had straddled itself across her expression drains away and the brunette leans her cheek in against his hand nodding slightly against it as she does, “Only if you promise me to answer me honestly and don’t try to hide from me.” Oh, she’s terrified alright, but does a pretty good job of hiding it behind a low chuckle, “Bet I can terrify you more than you could me.” There may even have been a somewhat mysterious smirk stitched in there somewhere.

Candlario slips both arms around Bailey, "You're like some sea-fever-dream for me sweet Bailey. I couldn't get you out of my thoughts that whole sharding trip." Thus confessed he tries to give her that hug he's been longing for, to make sure she's real and not going to vanish with the raising sun. "Are you -sure- you're not still angry with me? For my past?" That's clearly hanging heavily over him as he bows his head down, not letting the words lift over a soft rumble into her ear. "I will only hide from you if you try to use me for target practice. " As for who can terrify whom? Well, he just squeezes her against him with a small, dark chuckle.

Caught up in that strong embrace, her hands sliding up his back in turn, Bailey puts a cautious look up to Rio, as if weighing the confession made. Leaning her forehead against his chest and inhaling his scent, “You left.” That stated in a small accusatory tone. The low edge of a chuckle spills out next, “It’s more your future that you should be worrying about.” So, that would be a ‘no’ to any anger over his past. With his head lowered, she turns hers, seeking his mouth out while murmuring, “I won’t throw any knives.” No promises made on not using him as a target again, however. Right then Layon, the deckhand from the Northern Queen saunters by, hands in pockets and calling out loudly enough for all nearby to hear, “Get a room.” That of course draws a wealth of open snickering from his compatriots trailing a few steps behind the lad.

A small smile pulls at the corner of Rio's lips while he nods his head, "I had work to do--I waited to see if you'd come back and you didn't. So I had to go. Earn marks." He chuckles at the no knife-throwing, "can we keep no bottle-throwing as well? No wasting good booze." About to meet her murmuring lips when someone calls over to them, he flashes over a look that's void of amusement before turning back to Bailey, "I'm only afraid of a future where I disappoint you when you find out who I really am."

The look Bailey lifts up to Rio is carefully shielded as she nods just the once, uttering a simple, "I know." Her expression next twists around a faux line of thoughtfulness, "Only the ones with booze in them." She'll concede to that much. So close, and yet so far. Layon is shot a dark look for his comment and then the brunette is slipping a hand into the waistband of her skirt and after fishing around for a moment or two, pulls out an eighth mark. Flipping it the young deckhand's way she smirks, her words carrying a lightly scathing edge, "Go buy yourself a coloring book and leave the adults alone to things you can only dream about at night." Leaving the poor lad to the delighted crowing from his friends for the insult, she turns back in toward the dark skinned man, her tone low and sultry, "I'm not going anywhere. Now, how about we find somewhere to take care of..." sly the smile that appears as she runs a slow look over him, "that finger of yours, hmm?"

Candlario's eyebrows go up as Bailey pays the young man and he fixes Layon with a measuring look until his attention is drawn back to Bailey. "Maybe I should ask that you only throw pillows at me. That seems safer." He hooks an arm around her and manages to put himself between the lady and the crowing sailors (or deckhands). "Is that someone you know?" Not looking at him though, he's escorting her back onto his ship. "You're going to...take care of me are you?" Tone sly as fingers tickle up her side.

A light punch is thrown towards his with Bailey chuckling over the topic of pillows, “Big baby!” Pulled in against his side, the brunette can’t help but flash a taunting wink Layon’s way before her view is being blocked. Just as well, for the finger gesture he sends her might well have earned him a smack upside the head. Back to Rio now she flashes him a grin, “Who him? Just some lad off of the Northern Queen that’s been keeping our ‘lizards supplied with food. He’s harmless.” Twisting herself around in his arm so that she’s now facing him and having to walk backwards (let’s hope there’s no ropes lying about) the tip of her tongue flashes out and swipes across her bottom lip, “If you’re a good boy,” wink. With that she’ll try to slip away from him and just beyond his grasp, teasing.

Candlario swats at Bailey's backside, aiming to make it a good slap if it connects. That's what she gets for slipping out of his clutches. "I'm /never/ a good boy. What fun is that?" He stalks after her, making grabby-hands in the air but doesn't really go in for the catch. Remarks about the lad keeping the firelizards in slop is left for another time, he even manages not to glare in that direction again. Harmless right?

Anileas arrives from Candlario's boat.
Anileas has arrived.

Halsten has arrived.

Early morning, just an hour or so after sun up finds Bailey and Candlario on the docks heading toward the Orchid Rain engaged in some or other kind of game. There's a sharp squeal as the big man's hand manages to just catch her as she dances away, though by the expression on her face it's clear to see she's not in the least annoyed or upset by it. In fact, if anything, it draws her in closer for a moment, just long enough to breathe something into his ear, “Ooooh, so you’re a bad boy then, hmm? Even better!” And she's gone again, just out of range.

The Orchid Rain has a goodly amount of activity buzzing around her as lines are drawn to the dock and the ship is made secure enough for cargo to be unloaded. Candlario isn't paying much attention to the work though, more fun to go stalking after the squealing Bailey really. Ignoring the few sailors who were already standing around snickering at the pair for public displays of affection. He grumbles just low enough for her to hear him, "I'll just have to show you how 'bad'. Hhmmm?"

"Careful!" one of the crew members cautions before Anileas bumps into the railing as he carries a large crate up from the hold and down to the docks. Being short puts him at a disadvantage when it comes to seeing where he's going while still trying to watch Candlario and Bailey. Anileas is openly staring.

Somewhere down the dock aways, Halsten is standing with a couple men, having an animated discussion that seems to involve some kind of trade arrangement. Which should not be at all shocking; given what he does, Hal has to make no few of those. Once it concludes, he sets off at an aimless ambling sort of pace down the dock, looking around at what else is going on. Healthy curiosity. Deals are everywhere. One of those involved with the discussion is following slightly behind. "For the last time," Hal tells him, "we are not business partners."

Skipping backwards to keep the established distance between herself and Candlario, Bailey looks to be on an unwitting collision course with the crate carrying Anileas. Luckily she stops just short of doing so uttering a startled “Jays, they should put a bell around your neck or something.” Next her eyes are picking out a slightly familiar face from amongst those out and about, a slight smirk firming. Back to the big captain and she tips a challenging look his way for words sent her in return.

Candlario winces in sympathy for what he expects to be a mess when Bailey connects with Anileas, only letting out the sucked in breath when she stops just in time. This ends the little game of chase before it gets started. "Alright, you win--this time." To the troublesome woman of course, adding a wink to her before turning serious. "Do you know my new deckhand Anileas?" The bit of conversation a distance down the docks makes him crane his neck in that direction for a moment to see what's going on before giving a grin back to the pair before him. He even scoots out of the way so the younger man can put his burden down.

"Or you should watch where you're going," Anileas retorts from behind his box, sounding slightly nettled even if Bailey's remark was made in good humour. "I'm not a canine you know." He sets the crate down with a thud, apparently not concerned that whatever's in it might be breakable. Candlario's move to introduce him makes the teen more responsive, politer. Marginally. "Mornin'."

A little more talk back and forth between the two walking down the docks, Halsten looking progressively more annoyed the more hopeful his friend starts to look. And then there's the Orchid Rain and the people talking in front of it. "What've you got?" Halsten inquires of all three, with absolutely no concern showed towards the fact that he was ostensibly in another conversation.

With a grin Bailey notes in a somewhat smug tone to Candlario, “I always win.” And then introductions are being made. Anileas is given a thorough going over once he sets the crate down, her lips are twitching in amusement for his retort, “Not even if I promise to take you for long walks on the beach and let you sleep on the end of my bed?” teasing. Pale eyes fall swiftly to Halsten when he addresses them, a brow hitching upward in response but she bites back whatever comment was about to spill from her lips, leaving it to the owner of the Orchid Rain to answer instead.

Laughing quietly as Bailey tries to 'adopt' Anileas, the sound quickly covered by a cough into his fist. "Of course you're not a canine." Is offered, as though that is going to unruffle him. "Morning." And a nod towards Halsten to include him as well. As to what he has, there's a look at the lable on the crate, "Looks like this is sacks of nutmeg, cardmon and vanilla bean. Set to go to Lovour." Then, curious, "Were you looking for something?"

For a moment Anileas looks like he might take the teasing badly, but he cracks a grin for Bailey and responds in kind. "Maybe in your bed and then we've got a deal." A quick glance goes to Candlario to ensure that the ship-owner took it as the joke it was meant to be. "And loads more still in the hold," he adds on to the explanation offered, apparently trying to assist where he can since he recognises Halsten as, "You're one of them traders, aren't you."

"Nothing in particular. Not that. Just try to see what's moving where. If there happens to be anything of interest." Halsten shrugs to Candlario. Bailey, without entering the conversation, is evidently not of much interest; this is business. "Yes. One of 'them traders'. That's one way to put it." Hal has a slightly patronizing smile for Anileas. "Name's Hal." To which his companion seems to feel the need to tack on something, but Hal cuts him off with a gesture. "You are *not* my partner. You are a general annoyance, an occasionally good delivery rider, and the recipient of a scandalous percentage, but you are not my partner." So the not-partner seems to scrap whatever he was originally going to say for a momentary pout.

Brows hike up high and Bailey lets out a delighted laugh for Anileas’ comeback, putting in an aside to Candlario, “I like this one,” back to the young deckhand she’s affording him a light smirk her words coming through a low teasing chuckle, “Only if you promise to wear a collar, and a bell.” Her expression perks when the contents of the crate are named, mentally filing the information away. To Halsten, with a tip of curious brow his not-partner’s way, “Can’t smoke any of it,” so helpful. A little more helpfully, “But crush some of those spices and it might smell better.” So she’s still stuck on that then, hmm?

There's a shake of his head to Anileas's wisecrack and a mock-stern look but there's no weight behind it. "He's been very helpful too, which is more than I can say for some of the lads." A glance in the direction of the ship but no one in particular is singled out. Looking back to Halsten he gives a shrug of his shoulders, "I didn't think it would be your cup of tea, so to speak. But you have your very own delivery rider for things? Seems like you wouldn't have to scrape with the goods at the docks then." One eyebrow lifts at the smoke comment from Bailey, "You could smoke cloves. They're sweet to the taste. But I think it's an acquired thing."

Wix arrives from the main beach.
Wix has arrived.

"It's not a matter of scraping, it's a matter of looking for whatever deals there might be. For which he is useless." Halsten's friend-partner-annoyance-whatever makes a protest to this, not that Hal's paying the least bit of attention. "I'm not interested in adding any more complications to that, thank you. I happen to like them just like they are. Are you feeling any better?" The latter question to Bailey. Anileas might get no interest from Hal, but he does get a smile from the friend. "You work on there? The ship?" The young man--maybe he's a smidge older than Anileas, but if so only a smidge--indicates the Orchid Rain with a gesture, then glances over his shoulder back towards shore for a moment.

Blinking at Candlario as if he were accusing her of such a thing, “I don’t smoke, he does,” Halsten. Bailey shrugs off the trader’s disinterest in tampering with his product but sets a narrowed look onto him for his query after her health, “I’m fine,” she states a touch tightly. Attention is set rather on the younger two of the party gathered out on the docks this early morning, in the vicinity of the Orchid Rain.

"Name's Anil," the boy copies Halsten with a guileless smile to cloud his mimicry. He seems more favourably inclined towards the rider, perhaps seeking out solidarity in youth. "Yeah. I mean, I was for this one job." He fidgets, looking to Candlario with a bit of anxiety that he can't quite hide, in addition to a bit of embarrassment following the ship-owner's praise; he ducks his head and goes back to exchanging quips with Bailey, which is simpler than second-guessing where his next job is going to come from. "You get one and I'll think about it."

"Always good to keep your eyes open for new product coming in. If it's something you can move anyway." Candlario's eyes darken with concern as he looks from Halsten to Bailey, "You were sick?" That tight reply she gives the trader just triggers more concern from him. No offer given to a second job for Anileas, but he's distracted by giving Bailey a thoughtful look-over. "And if you keep the boy collared and in bed, we're going to have to talk."

"K'vrey," the rider pipes in his own name, while names are going around. Convenient time for it. "For just this one job--so not ongoing, then? So you're free to--that is, would you like to stand, for the eggs, as a Candidate?" This nets only a vaguely disgusted glance from Halsten, who turns his attention in Bailey's direction. "I would really hope you didn't, after that reaction. Doesn't do as far as my trying to market it if people have that sort of example to go on."

Bailey looks set to play along and puts another considering look over Anileas, “I was thinking of one of those fluffy blue…”catching Candlario’s look her words trail off and she sends him an amused glance in turn, “You want the collar then? Because you’re more of a leather and studs kind of guy.” That humour slips right off when he too goes after querying her physical well being. With a dramatic roll of eyes, “Jays! I’m fine! Do I look sick to you?” hands spreading away from herself. She’s about to add more but then catches what the young rider is saying to the deckhand, her eyes going wide in turn, muttering a quiet, “Shards,” and then falling silent.

Three candidates, judging by the flopping knots strewn with white on their shoulders, come walking down the docks towards Bailey and the others. One tall, gangly red head pulls out a piece of parchment, glances down at it, and then looks at the group in confusion. "Uh, pardon me. Can you all tell me where the crates are that are supposed to be taken back to the supply room?" Wix holds up the order list a little to indicate that they are here to pick them up.

Anileas, paying attention to the absence of a follow-up coming from Candlario with increasing apprehension, almost misses the rider's question. "Uh, what?" he replies, which probably just makes him sound a bit stupid. He narrows his eyes at K'vrey with the assumption that something isn't quite right and reveals his lack of comprehension. "But I'm not that kind of person. I mean, I'm not from a Weyr."

Candlario rubs fingers along his throat, "I think I'd rather a little pink frilly number. Something to bring out the color of my eyes." Fluttering his lashes mockingly at Bailey, "And a bell, so you can always know where I'm at. Better for your aim I'm sure." Since she's assuring him that she's fine, and she doesn't look ready to buy the farm, he just shrugs. Besides, what the dragonrider is asking of his employee--well, former employee.

Wide eyes as K'vrey blinks at Anileas. "I'm from Boll, what do you really think it matters? If you don't want to, you don't want to, but you'd better decide quick, I got sweeps in ten minutes." Halsten is paying extremely little attention to whatever the hell is going on between Bailey and Candlario, thankfully, just shaking his head at his acquaintance. "Need to be back to work myself," the trader offers, before resuming his wandering along the docks.

Patting a consoling touch to Candlario’s shoulder, Bailey gives over a snicker, “Sorry, big boy, I’m not into girls.” Watching with keen interest the interplay between K’vrey and Anileas, pale eyes touch on Halsten and then flicker off again to land on the approaching gaggle of candidates. The list held up by one of them is given a cursory glance, “Did they say which vessel they were coming off of?”

"Well, I just thought -" Anileas trails off and never gets round to explaining himself, both looking and sounding confused. He darts another look towards Candlario like his employer has a word on what happens, but doesn't wait to get permission, blurting out, "No, I do, if you really want me to," before K'vrey can rescind his offer.

Wix nods, "They did. Even wrote it down incase I forgot, which I did. But, you see here?" Wix pokes her thumb at the top of the page where a foggy blue cloud may once have been legible, but is no longer. "I..." pause, "Accidentally got it wet." One of the other candidates behind her fidgets and looks away. The other stares at the boards beneath his feet, twisting a toe in a knothole, picking at some imaginary clod of dirt it would seem. "We were kind of hoping someone could point us in the right direction. I mean, while I'm sure there's flour, salt, sweetener, and dried beast on all of them, there's the slight issue of," Wix pauses to peer at the invoice, "Simply Satisfying Silver Bath Sand, that surely must be unique."

The consoling touch is shied away from with a sour look for Bailey as Rio takes a step back from her. He bites back whatever response he may make and glances after Halten, lifting a hand to wave the trader goodbye. He grins for Anileas, "Good job lad. You don't want to miss the chance to stand for a hatching. Might not pay as well, but if you get a dragon out of it that's a good turn. I'll even wager a mark or two on you."

The acceptance brings with it a wash of visible relief for the rider. "Terrific. Well, if you'll head up to the Weyr, they'll show you where to go and tell you the rules and all that stuff. And now I gotta go do sweeps over the seahold. Good luck!" So K'vrey makes his way off to do his *real* job, and eventually Halsten, not finding anything of particular interest today, will head back up to the market to his.

Halsten goes home.
Halsten has left.

Pale eyes narrow lightly for that look and the way Candlario steps away from her, but for now Bailey bites her tongue, eyeing him for just a moment longer before turning to Anileas to offer her own congratulations. “Yes, congratulations Anileas, I hope it works out for you.” And then there’s Wix and the gaggle of candidates. The brunette’s attention goes their way next, her brows lifting by increments, gaze touching on each of the awkward looking candidates in turn. She tries squinting her eyes to better read the splodgy page top. That is until the last product is named, “Simply Satisfying Silver…say what?”

Wix quickly responds, "Bath sand."

Slightly shell-shocked, Anileas just manages to get out, "Uh, okay. Thanks," before K'vrey heads to shore. Once the rider's gone it all starts to sink in. "No, I guess I don't," he agrees, relieved that Candlario approves of his spur-of-the-moment decision. The dark-haired boy then starts staring at Wix and the other candidates without addressing them, measuring them up.

Despite the clarification from Wix, Bailey simply shakes her head, “Sorry, no idea. You could try the Northern Queen. Sounds like something they might haul. Speak to Layon,” she points out the tow-headed youth loitering a ways down with a bunch of other lads, “He might be able to help you.” Another, more closed look is sent Candlario’s way and then she’s turning to leave, saying simply to Anileas, “When he’s stopped sulking, tell him he can come by and pick up his old man.” With that she goes, a young bronze firelizard joining her and dancing circles about her head.

Wix grins and nods, "Thanks for the tip!" The three candidates go running down the wharf, peering at the bows and hulls of the ships until they find one named the Northern Queen. The three candidates go trotting up the gangplank and out of sight.

"Will do." Anileas gives Bailey a wave and watches everyone depart. As for him, he stays to help with the final unloading with the intention of finishing out his contract with Candlario before packing up his few possessions and heading to the Weyr.

wix, ista, candlario, anileas, halsten, bailey, k'vrey (npc)

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