This year,
Vox Magazine came out to Interfuse. This caused a bit of a flap on the mailing list when it was first announced, but they did it the right way: They checked with Zay, the guy in charge of MWB (if anyone can be said to be), bought tickets like everyone else, rather than asking for a press pass, and put in writing ahead of time that they would run everything (pictures included, with signed releases) by Zay before publishing it.
Many burners were still paranoid about their privacy and the bad press that could come of it, either for the group or themselves personally, but the article is out now, and I present it for those of you who still don't quite get the burners.
I was a little surprised to find myself in one of the pictures. I'm in the background, so supposedly didn't need to sign a release, but some of the burners are still in the closet relative to their family and job, and so don't necessarily want their face identifiable in association with these kinds of events. Obviously it doesn't bother me, and I suspect it's true also of the couple other people who are recognizable in, though not the subject of, those pictures.