It occurred to me after the fact that all of the comments on my
Interfuse entry talked about the sexing I got while there. I know I talk about sex a lot here, but that's really only a small part of what Interfuse (and the burner culture at large) is, and by no means any kind of main part. Even in my
first post, immediately upon getting back, the sex was only one line, and not in a position of prominence.
What I listed as the high point, meeting
lindil, wasn't exceptional in that we had some physical fun together. It was that I ran into someone, completely out of the blue (or out of the dark, as it were) that I'd felt a connection with previously, but that nothing had ever come of it, and that the connection immediately resurged, much more significant than before in quality, and it's already obvious that it will have much more duration this time as well.
10 Principles are the core of burner culture. They largely boil down to:
Get out there and do it, rather than sitting on the sidelines and living vicariously
Get other people out there to live it too
Express yourself, and the hell with anyone else who doesn't like it
Carry with you everything you need
Clean up after yourself
Give without expecting anything in return
All good principles for living in everyday life as well. But there's really no way to describe the experience of being out there at one of these events, where everyone around you is living it as well. I caught myself on Monday, realizing that I was no longer somewhere where you smile and wave to anyone you happen to pass, whether you know them or not. Even if you don't actually know the person, you're still part of a very close-knit community that's built on giving and sharing, rather than selfishness and trying to keep what's yours and get whatever else you can manage as well.
And while I'm posting about burners, as of Tuesday night, Trish is now (also) officially my girlfriend. Lindsay's response: "W00t!" They're going to be hanging out together while I'm away for the summer, which I feel really good about, as Lindsay's going to need other interaction and socio-emotional support.
ADDENDUM: This just came across the burners list, and had some good indicative points that I felt I needed to add here.
Infinity and Quill's entire virgin experience was fun to watch. One night Quill was walking in the dark with me and he asked how many of these people I know. A pickup truck full of Burners passed us and they all shouted, "Hey Aldric!" Quill hung his head.
When did Frankie learn to climb a 40' streamer? Did anyone else see Draco spinning staff and chain simultaneously? He said it was like going into battle.
Meow, meow.
Quack quack and all that.
The new sound camps were wonderful. Hidden Meadow was perfect for the lasers-on-trees effect. The live music at Bottoms UP was really, really nice. And so was their bar. The bar and I became friends.
I heard many people say they missed Kamikaze Kelly coming down the road each morning, blasting `Cat Scratch Fever' on the DPW Beast's hood-speaker. Maybe next year.
Batman walked by my tent one day without his cowl. I said, "Hi Bruce," but he didn't slow down.
I was also working Gate when the Press arrived. Two news guys stood and roasted in their suits for 20 minutes before they decided there was no story going on and left. Aww, poor sweaty media guys.
I met the Blue Fairie. I played a set at Radio KRZY. I ate spaghetti in the rain. At the end of the Afterlife, Heaven and Hell was closed. Since so many Burners are going to Hell, we decided to set a date so everyone can meet up in Hell and have a party. We're going to need ice. BYOB.
While packing up, Kyrka (Kyrka's Juice Joint) gifted us some fruit and a big can of gasoline. A gift of gasoline is a gift indeed! The oranges were juicy.
Next year I'd like to get a group together when we leave InterFuse and meet at exit 84 on I-70. Ice cream and porn after a Burn sounds nice.
Both during and after InterFuse I've heard several people discussing the same thing: the previous InterFuses felt like a magical social experiment in friendship and giving. This InterFuse felt like Burning Man.
I agree, right down to my destroyed shoes.