Apr 17, 2007 15:28
So I figured I’d give a friend a chance to rant here, since she doesn’t have her own blog. An e-mail I received last night:
So, I've noticed on TV (evil mode of brain melting for me right now) that there are several shows about incredibly large families (some IVF; most crazy christians who believe god told them to have 20 kids). I began doing searches online to see their backgrounds (i.e. why they are crazy christians) and every single website that I've seen that the individual families host has donation information so that YOU can help raise THEIR kids!
I believe the average cost of IFV is in the neighborhood of $12-15K per round and on average these families did it 3 times before conceiving their decatuplets or WTF ever; clearly these people have money. But regardless of how they conceived their self-styled commune of children, why the hell should ANYONE but these families support their freakin' kids!?
Unbelievable. Just wondering if you've ever seen any of these families or heard people speak out against supporting random, slutty, christian people.
Nope, can’t say that I have. I do agree that this is an example of, “careful what you ask for.” You wanted the bloody, kids, well now you’ve got them. I also think that these people deserve whatever they get, for the simple reason that Darwin told them they weren’t allowed to have kids, and they took it upon themselves to have kids anyway, via artificial means.
Which brings up another point. If, as posited here, most of these families are “crazy christians”, why are they going against God’s will and having kids anyway? If God is infallible, and doesn’t make mistakes, these people weren’t intended to reproduce. So how can they rationalize turning away from God, and going to science (which by all reports is anti-religion, and in extreme cases has even killed God) to remedy their God-given deficiency? What if God had other plans for these twits, that they’ve now thrown a wrench into, having gone behind his back and popped out a litter of spawn anyway?