It's lost a sports legend.
No, not the likes of Terry Bradshaw, Franco Harris, Jerome Bettis, Mario Lemiuex or Ben Roethlisberger, but someone who was equally, if not more influential, in the Pittsburgh sports scene.
He wasn't a big man, but he had a big voice, that was so screechy and nasaly, that it was slightly annoying. My grandma hated listening to Myron Cope, but she was in the minority. Pittsburgh Steelers fans LOVED him. He was like no other voice on the radio and I doubt his talent and character will ever be matched.
We listened to countless Pittsburgh Steelers games on the radio, and you can never forget the colorfulness and the character of one of the most inspiring radio announcers in history. The man repsonsible for the terrible towel! The TERRIBLE TOWEL! Not to mention the many commericials and appearances while watching Pittsburgh 's tv stations throughout the years.
The last time I heard him on the radio, he was late for a game - which was so uncharacteristic of him. I knew at that point that his health was failing. He retired in 2005.
Today Pittsburgh has lost a sports legend.
And like the thousands of Steelers fans out there, I'm deeply saddened to hear the news.
Here's to a Triple Yoi in heaven!
Sail on Myron. You're voice and your life will always be remembered.
Myron Cope (Jan 23, 1929 - Feb 27, 2008)
quadruple Yoi!