Jan 29, 2007 14:11
It is so damn cold outside. I really hope the next 2 months go by fast. I'm ready for the warm weather again!!
I picked a horrible night to come into work yesterday. The roads were horrendous going home last night. Took me almost a half hour which is twice what it normally takes. Gotta love going 35 MPH on the freeway /o=
Meh, I wanna go home and go back to sleep. Dunno what is but I'm just super sleepy today for some reason. I even missed my alarm going off this morning and overslept by a half hour. That's always fun. I need to work on leaving the house earlier. I keep coming in a few minutes late and I really don't want that coming back on me. I feel like I'm walking on egg shells around here as I don't want to hurt my chances for a good increase in April. Hopefully I find out what my overall review was for last year in the next couple days -crosses fingers-. It'll at least give me somewhat of an idea as to what to expect.
Back to work I go. No OT for this week it looks like. It sucks, but at least I've got 10 hrs so that's better than nothing. Maybe it'll pick up by the end of the week and I can get a couple more hours in. Hopefully.