Thursday, as you all know (or should know) is one of the two days i have off a week from the child labour my own parent obliges onto me. And i like to take advantage of days such as these to go out. This time it was to the ICE-SKATING RINK. WOOPDEE!. I love ice-skating.
The $16, two and a half hour ice-skating session that we made it to consisted with me and leanne learning to ice skate backwards, helen arriving alittle later, sophia falling on her butt twice and her knees once, vincent skating really really fast. ANNNND last but not least; playing tag, which probably only lasted for about 30 minutes all up (then we got bored). More specifically, i think we spent around 30 minutes eating/drinking (i burnt my tongue and to this moment it still hurts T_T), so minus that and leaving about 2 hours ice skating. YERP .
At 3 the session ended and we were tired anyway, soooo we decided to hit little tasker park and wait for alwyn to arrive.
Playing on those little swings,scale thingys and see-saw was probably the most fun i've had in the whole year (unless i've forgotten something more funnerO_O).
Leanne and Lucy were on the swings first, and i still remember lucy calling out as she was sitting on the baby swing which is way too small for any 5+ person to sit on, "OWWWW MY ASS HURTS!!"
Sophia, me and helen were on the scale things, we rotated turns of course. HELEN is the most dangerous and ferocious scale/see-saw partner to ever have @__@.
When alwyn arrived soon after we headed for Lucy's place.
While walking across the park there were some basketball players, and some cricket players. Out of no where, I SWEAR i heard a loud and coarse "WOOF", i turned to see thew dog that was supposable meant to be around and realised that it was the sounds the basketball players made when they played. Leeny and i went high on that fact (it's more funnier if you were actually there)
At lucy's
* We watched really boring korean news (of which we could not understand {the non-koreans}), a serious korean children version on power-rangers. It was truly weird indeed
* Ate Kit-kats, trying to play jenga with a stack of biscuits
* Patted mimi - her dog
* Some people BOMBED it in her bathroom *cyberly stares at those people*
* Took animations and webcam shots
* Me and Helen had a drawing contest, drawing various different people.
* Sophia getting even sicker and ending up with a fever
* POST IT-ing lucy's whole room
* ME reading facts from the "L" encycleopaedia
Yeahhhh, my dayy. I don't wanna work for my mum anymore -____________- UGH
I'll add picture later (b/c i must resize and now i'm too lazy. Come back and check later