If I Was Emperor

Mar 09, 2008 12:43

Here are things I'd do:

1. Mandate 2 years of government service--not neccessarily military, but government--between high school and college. You would not be able to cry for your rights until you dispatch your responsibilities. That service could be federal, state, or local.

2. Constantly implement the strategy of Disproportionate Response. Repay kindness with 7 times that kindness. If another nation or entity injured us, I would make the world tremble. If it comes down between a choice of our soldiers or their civilians, too bad for their civilians.

3. Provide and fund (the latter being the important part) universal health care. Reward health care professionals for excellent service. Execute those who are negligent.

4. Outlaw (to include aggressive enforcement of the law) the use of cell phones while driving. Speaking of cell phones, I'd consider roving bands of brute squads to slap around people for inane cell phone conversations in public.

5. Fine people for bringing about frivolous lawsuits, and then throw out those suits. Appoint a panel of people whose opinion I trust (hrm--the current crop of L5 judges?) to be the ruling committee.

6. Make public schools worth a damn. Pay teachers what movie stars make. Fund this be eliminating all pork barrel legislation.

7. Reinstitute the stocks in every town square, and reserve them for corrupt politicians. Provide the people with free rotten vegetables.

8. Provide annoyingly painful shocks to people who begin every sentence with "Dude..."

9. Legalize all substances, to include drugs and steroids. Allow athletes to become freakish mutants for our entertainment. Make people responsible for their actions when they're under the influence. Make the 2nd offense for DWI a capital crime.

10. Give everyone a kitten. Everyone who is allergic gets a foot massage instead.

11. Make kissing the national sport.

more ideas to come
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