Jun 01, 2006 00:07
Hey readers,
Went to work yesterday at Effeciency welding. (butchered the name again.) In mason. Met some very interesting people, very cool people. My Bosses are sweet, they take no shit and give no shit. There pretty much all strait up to the point lets get it done. And they are very concerned about saftey which is cool. Seeing some other shops I've seen really lacked that. So I was team up with this guy named Andy Wood. Blonde hair fella about six foot wide chested. He's real hard to hear but he seems to know what he's doing. Then theirs "Big Al" Darker skinned guy barrel chest and a twisted Go-T, He's real cool, we chit-chatted for abit after work. I got there early found out I had to wait for 45 minutes til Richard my boss was ready. He showed me around, did some paper work, and then got to it. So after learning how to make the prints and welding for I dunno how long, Tom my other boss came up and said "hey how about ya do something else" More of a statement than a question. So he took us to the Shear and we sheared up us some metal. Now I've done this tons of times and know the dangers and safty rules of the Shear. But I still stuck my hand under the safty rail to try to strait the last bit of metal. I've done this tons of times and nothing has every happened but while I had my hands under the rail, Andy who had control of the foot pettle pressed it down starting the machine. Note while my hands are still under the gaurd railing. So I quickly pulled my hands outta there, only to get my right hand, middle finger caught between the bed of the shear, goreing the tip of my finger off. It smashed the tip of the bone, I have only the last 10% of my nail and alot of missing flesh. I got extremely lucky. So after saying "oh fudge sickle mary" (censoring for the kids) We got richard. We took one look at it and called the Ambualance. Thankfully my dad always taught me on injuries to never panick. So what do I do? I crack jokes instead to lighten the mood. Seeing how I fucked up. The wait for the paramedics to arrive and the ride to there was about the most fun I had all day to tell the truth, despite the fact of my new wound. The female paramedics where highly attractive, and looking back at it I flirtled with them abit. But either way, we all where laughing almost the entire way through. Til Dan, the male paramedic desided to bust out some needles. The fucker I hate needles. So I got some shot, the also threw a sheet over me, making me only sweat some more, cuz yesterday was fucking hot, and I was still trying to cool off from the welding. So I wasn't to happy about that. But on the bed while they pushed me into to truck and into the hosipitial I was making race car noises and gestures they said they never had any one do that before. Well I would go on more about the "lovly" experiance I had at the hositial but it mainly was boring for the simple fact THEY TOOK FOREVER TO ASK ME THE SAME DAMN QUSTIONS 5 DAMN TIMES. 1 hour and 45 minutes is what it took me to take a damn x-ray. and 5 minutes to do the damn thing! FUCKERS! But the nurses where fine! Well good night all, and have a good one. I know I did.