May 08, 2006 23:32
Hey readers,
Figured I'll stay hi. HI! READERS! So life has been abit of a bitch latly. Things are good and I'm pretty happy just things tend to suck alot. I'm loseing my job in 2 weeks. Durwood left for his new job. I'm happy for him it's just I kind of miss him now work blows alittle bit differently. I Alejandro treats me like a kid but he's soooooooo cool. Ex-marine, bald, and a pimp.
But let me be emo for a second though, I'm gonna try to make this quick. So yeah I'm loseing my job, I don't want Matt to get married. Jacky got fired, school is school and i'm not 4 pointing everything, getting 2.5 in some stuff. DAMN IT I WON'T GET INTO FERRIS WITH THAT! I don't want to do automative anything any more. and blah blah blah feeling lonely at time blah blah blah junk like that. AND DAMN IT JESSIE CALL ME FOR ONCE! I DON'T CARE THAT YOUR BUSY AND HAVE WORK AND SCHOOL! YOU TOO AMANDA!
But other than that things are good. I won the Iron Man tourny at Amtgard. Woot. Was a total jack ass at amtgard in general running around looking like a bitch in my new star bath robe that I dubbed my wizard garb. I'm so lame. Grabbed peoples faces and forced them to say chubby whubby babies. Did that to joe, purdy, my sister, sean, then other guy named joe, uh maybe a few other people. And amber who didn't say it, but it came down to such a fashion where it almost looked like I was trying to force my self on her. I had her hands and she was on the ground while I was kneeling over her yelling SAY CHUBBY WHUBBY BABIES! SAY IT! SAY IT! and repeat. So after some time passed purdy came up and said "ya know that looks really bad." I was like yeah i know but I've been doing this awhile so no point stopping now. He responded "yeah good point, here let me help." So he also helped. Damn amber not saying it! I'VE NEVER LOST TO A PERSON TO THAT YET NOR WILL I NOW! I'll get you yet you bastard. So watch out readers. I'm gunning for you too.
And also hung out with Matt, Frankie, and David over the weekend. The first time in along time. It was good to get the old crew together. I talked to matt abit about his marriage and told him how I was concerned about is decision. Aka Matt I don't want you to marry yet, talk, but in a more proper fashion. But davids little get together was nice. And we all got to goof off again. Hopefully we can do that again here pretty soon.
Oh well it's getting late and I got more work in the morning so I'll talk to ya later readers.