Feb 03, 2006 18:59
Hey readers,
I hate live journal forceing me to change my pass word. Is a1b2c3 a hard password to guess? Apparently so cuz I'm no longer allowed to use it. JACK ASS'S!!! Speaking of jack ass's I now have this little 14 year old calling me like crazy. GOOD LORD LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!! You don't call me at 11 o'clock just to say hi on a BLOODY FUCKING MONDAY!!! What the hell!??!?! I have work and school, and your fucking 14 ya should already be in bed by now! And calling my house 3 times a day to see if i'm there? What in gods name are you doing? I have no problem being friends with anybody, age doesn't matter. BUT THERE IS CERTIAN GOD DAMN RULES THAT PEOPLE MUST FOLLOW!!!! If your under 18 no calls after 9 p.m. and if ya over it's just only polite, cuz at that time people are trying to relax or they are. It's a rule I follow. I don't mind if its important like setting something up for the next day or or if ya trying to figure something out and it needs to be done then and there but if your 18 on a school night ya shouldn't be calling me unless it's matter of life and death and if its that then hell you shouldn't be calling me in the first damn place then. But If it's somebody I don't talk much too or havn't seen in forever yeah I don't mind a call from old friends, BUT NOT PEOPLE I'VE JUST MET AND BARELY FUCKING KNOW! What is her god damn head I don't know. I'll be nice to people but please good people please have respect for other wishes and how they do things and think of other people you might not mind calls late at night but I do. I don't live on my own yet so please just respect my families wishes and not bloody call at the dead hours of the night. If you must talk to me then yes my Door is ALWAYS open, remember that. I will not turn a person away if they come to me for help but if your just wanting to talk and nothing is wrong? Then that can wait. My tolarence with people can only go so far. Well I'm in a good mood and kinda hyper So I'm gonna go dance and sing my head off till I fall outta breath. CUZ ITS THE WEEKEND FUCK YEAH BITCHES!!! SAY FUCK YEAH IF YA FEELING ME ON THAT!!!
~MC Andy out