I really dis-like idoits, dogs, and logging in...

Jan 07, 2006 22:42

Hey readers,

I really hate idoits, dogs, and loggin in. I know I'm not the smartest guy around, and be just as big of one as the next guy but still but the dilmans put me in my place rather quite often so things are good? But dogs, dogs really bother me. Like big ass dogs that think they are lap dogs, and I still waging my personal war against logging in. But back to the dogs, I stayed the night over at Tory's house last night and he has this big ass bloody huge best of a dog named Hank. And Hank sheds like mad and likes the sleep with people. I was appearantly his target last night. The damn thing nearly shoved me off the couch. To tired to kick the lozy thing off I just dealt with it and had a bad nights sleep. But whatever life goes on and your momma.

So anyway, seen jessie clien yesterday, havn't seen her since sometime during...well before finals? Really not all that long ago. But she's working at (can't spell mode on) Sheulars, the book store in the mall, well she's working in the cafe, So she seems to be doing well. I but to no avail once again I got some rather rude and angry stares from the people near by. Gotta love sounding like a complete asswhole in public and not meaning anything ya say. Oh well, people get way to easly offended anyway. But chilling with Pat, Tory, Tory's woman or whats-her-face, she's a nice gal but rather hard to talk to at times, and miss mahoney. We walked around the mall for awhile, got my ass kicked by tory in ddr. I improved but I still suck. And we later met up with Kyle. I used to hate that kid back in 7th grade, He used to piss me off so much. But few years later he's not super prick anymore. Or I learned how to deal with it. No, no. Super prick. Other crap happened oh yeah and I finally went into Victora Secret for the first time in my life. The place smelled really awesome, I never expected that.

But later today I help my Arts and Science day for amtgard. Lozy piss ants call for one and the people hardly show up. But thankfully it had more people come and show up than last time, me and Kate's family. Although it was nice having more than 3 people show up. We hardly got anything done, but I believe we all had a good time. But word is spreading and talk is going about when the next election comes up that I should run for Baron. I don't want to run for Baron. I don't want anymore leadership responsabilities. Being Regant has give'n me more than I already want to handle, 2nd in command is already to much for me handle/deal with than I orginally wanted. I don't like people looking up to me for guidance for hardly any reason. I know its still just a game, but game or not a leader is a leader is a leader. And I don't like playing the role of leader. I'll step up if need be, but a good leader needs to be there, know the rules, whats going on and many other things. And that applies to many different things other than amtgard. I know I'm createing more of fuss than needed but I don't want to be Baron, but If nobody will stand up and do it, I know I'll have too. Ya can't run a group with out a leader of some kind and I can't stand by and have that. Hopefully kevin will run for it. I like being the regant, and having the duties and go with that. But I almost practically run the thing seeing how our current "baron" never shows up and I personally think that person is a poor excuse for a leader. But I'm no leader either. So I really have no room to talk. He's a good guy but no leader in my eyes. I just wish people would stop looking up to me about things and just let me be. I'm no role model. And not a good person. And shouldn't be used for an example on how ya should be. Well this is starting to go places where I care not to tread. Well I'm tired and prolly should get some rest. Goodnight all.
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