This may be the last post from this LJ account!

Dec 18, 2007 14:45

Hoy vey a post! It's been too long.

I am slowly dropping my moniker of "juggerneko" across the 'net. The most pressing thing about this change, if you're reading this, is that I will no longer be using this LJ account. (omg!) I'll still have "Juggernaut" in use on the odd forum, and for online gaming.
I've finally decided on a portfoliolioooish name of ForgedPixels, so I'll be posting from there instead, soon. Update your flists! If ForgedPixels adds you as a friend, that's me importing my list. :)
New website eventually to follow. That's the plan, anyhow. I also hope to post much more regularly, perhaps an early New Year's resolution.

What have I been doing the past 2 months? Working on a submission/application for BioWare as a technical designer. I've finally finished my demo module, and will be doing final test runs of it tonight, as well as getting my resume and cover letter all attractive. I am applying tomorrow. Wish me luck! I WANT THIS JOB BADLY. I think I have a pretty good shot at it. Staying up until 4am last night doing final polishes and comments to the code made me realize just how much I've actually put in this the past couple months. I think I'm optimistic. I'm giving it my best shot, so we'll see where it takes me!

I'm headin' to Regina with Szara in tow (hopefully - she better be let off work!) to visit the family this holiday, will be good times. The drive will be a good test of my new winter tires. Bring it on, prairie blizzards!

Unfortunately I still need to do 95% of my Christmas shopping. I've barely done any due to working my ars off on that demo mod. I even have unopened brand new videogames begging to be played! Shameful. My Christmas shopping will take place over the next few evenings. Thankfully I've already figured out 95% what to get for folks, so hopefully I can find all the stuff in time! I fear going to the West Edmonton Mall for an item or two, but I may have no choice. Parking will be war.

What else is new? I "purchased" a nice like-new digital SLR (which inkytwist seemed to be jealous of) from one of my supervisors at work, as he was selling it and going for bigger and better ones. He's crazy for the latest technology. The SLR is the Nikon D70s and my supervisor gave me a 55-200mm lens (I think that's the lens) to go with it (he kept all the other lenses, understandably). I still need a memory card, and will also be getting a slick lil' 50mm f/1.8D lens that just makes things look nice. Hopefully I can find both tonight while I'm out Christmas shopping.

Not really much else. I'm looking forward to some great video-gaming now that I have free time again, lots of excellent titles have been released in the past month. Orange Box, Crysis, Mario Galaxy, Call of Duty 4... So much gamage, so little time. *le sigh*

This is Juggerneko, signing off. Happy holidays, and I hope to see you at ForgedPixels!
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