whuuuuut the fuck?

Feb 03, 2004 23:04

yeah...today was a crazy fucking day.

the good part of my day was that sami was absolutly adorable this morning for some reason.<3. didnt hang out w/ her after school kause i had to work at 4 and i went to my house w/ rollinson to toke, then i was out to work. but i guess we're gonna watch house of the dead after school tomarrow. i bought that shit like 4 days ago, but havent watched it because i was either too drunk to see or just plain too busy. so i cant wait to see it, its supposed to be a crazy movie. work wasnt even that bad either. talked to sami on the phone for a lil while kause shit was going on. me and nick didnt do shit all night, but we still got out a 925, so it was all good.

but yeah like i said i didnt have an office detetion today kause everything was cancled after school, and the 3 referals i got came in the mail and my dad just bitched at me for a few minutes. so now i have no car on thursday, but it doesnt really matter kause i have my office detention on thursday any ways. i fucking hate that shit because he can do that because hes always trying to control my fucking shit at all times. he thinks that im in such bad shape. he doesnt even know that fucking school any more. then he mentioned my reputation at that school which sent me off and i said, "fuck my reputation" and punched my wall, so he got even more pissed at me for putting a dent in it. but you know what?....fuck it, this is part of life and life is shitty and ive found that out by now, so its just another day of my life.
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