Jun 21, 2005 00:18
ok check it
The movie
Resident Evil : Code Publix X
: stars
Alex: Doopedii
: Robbie: Doppedoo
MuNkEy: as Agent whatdafuck
Victor as: Hulk Cock
Donny: some fuckin guy
Sara: Ice Cream Woman
and Orlando:
check it
Dopeedo is taking a shyt
in the corner of Publix
reading High Times
he wipes his ass with Spin Magazine
and Dopeedi pisses all over it
then Orlando with his second character Cameo
sprays the crap with gold
and hands it to Ice Cream Woman when she asks what he fuck
then the police find him
and cut his head off
: then a cut scene
to 14 minutes of Pamala Anderson stripiing
with the Aflac Duck and some fuckin guy deep into conversation about how the Geico Gecko screwed the Friskies cat
then all the characters run in the room and run a train on Anderson
and Dopeedoo is jacking off in the corner singing "I Wish I Were An Oscar Myer Weiner"
: and Doppedi is pssing in the other room singing My Balogni has a first name
the incident in Publlix occurs
: where Agent Munkey was the head of security in the Dairy department
and he was in the produce isle hitting on the lady buying carrots for.....experimentation
the mutant Publix Pervert Zombies strike
and in comes in Mr Fuzzle and Hulck Cock with Lightsaber mode for Hulk Cock
the friskies cat is cheatin on gecko with...
: the Coca COla bears son
and in the room
"u put the lime i the coke you nut" is playing
: and Munkey and the produce lady is in the next room playing DDR naked dancing to " Get Down Tonight"
to be continued.....