May 29, 2006 12:25
Sup peeps. Got a little time before I head to work, and I'm bored as hell. A few things happened this weekend, so I figured I'd update.
Just got done with a three day weekend, which was refreshing. Working a few seven days in a row, having a day off then working another six in a row, it really made those three days go by quick. I guess I was getting used to working all those days in a row. But at least I only work four days this week, I requested two days off for my mom's surgery.
As aforementioned, my mom will be having surgery on Wednesday to repair her shoulders. She has a hole in the muscles (rotater cuff, I believe) in both shoulders, so what they're gonna do is sew the muscle directly to her bone. I didn't know they could do that, but apparently smokers have softer bones than non-smokers. Normally, they'd have to drill holes into her bone, then stitch the muscle into that. Not too complicated of a surgery, but I still wanna be there while she gets it done. She'd do the same for me, after all.
Friday was my mom's birthday. We didn't do nothing all that special. I just did laundry and cleaned the house for her in the morning, then gave her her presents once we came back from the doctor and Danny came home. Nothing too big, me and Danny just got her "Bambi" and my dad got her "Lady & The Tramp" on DVD, then had Subway.
Then on Saturday, we put in our air conditioning before Steve came over and watched some wrestling. We then trekked out to the MCW show, where I hung out with Trent Jones (WHO?) before the event. Sat out in Allison's truck and listened to music, mostly. Then before showtime, Kelvin and I ran up to SA to get some food, since there was no consessions at this event. The event was decent, match of the night was probably Ed & Tony. The atmosphere for the event was a little tense, I think. I think it was because Char quit. It's sad that happened, especially when it involved high school drama.
After the event, Steve and I went back to my house to discuss wrestling. Once he left, Mike and I went to see X3. I thought it was good, but there was some parts that I didn't care for. If you haven't seen X3 yet, you shouldn't read this paragraph, but I'm gonna leave you with some advice: stay till after the credits are over. One of the things I didn't like was that Cyclops was killed off in the first 20 minutes. It made sense, but I think they should have waited. Angel wasn't used that much, he was in it for maybe 5 minutes, 10 tops. But Beast was awesome. It'd be a 4 out of 5 for me.
Sunday consisted of shopping. Circuit City has a deal going on through today where any CD priced from $10.99 to $13.99 are marked down to $9.77. So I picked up a few, mostly Metallica to replace my scratched ones, as well as Trivium and Killswitch. I also picked up "Crash" and "Corpse Bride", since they were only $10. Also went to the mall to pick up some more retainers for my labret and a few barbells. After that, we stopped by Cub to pick up stuff for dinner, as we grilled later that day. So after paying my part of the cell bill, I'm gonna be broke till Thursday, unless my brother pays me back. I shouldn't have bought those CDs and DVDs, but I couldn't pass up those deals.
But I'm gonna hop in the shower before work, so I'll check y'all on the flipp side.