Today, in class, I learned CPR, passed all the practicals for it which include adult CPR with BVM (Bag Valve Mask, those weird things you see on emergency room shows that they squeeze), child CPR, infant CPR, and use of an AED (Automatic Electronic Defibrillator I believe). I got a 100 on the written exam and, as of right now, I'm at number 4 out of 36 in the class and I have a 93.37% average, not including the two 100s I earned today. Go. Me. CPR is hard. I am sore as fuck from it, not to mention I've been feeling like shit all day.
I've had a horrible migraine all day and, for those of you who don't know, I've been plagued with disgusting horrid migraines since the age of six with no explanation, and they are EXCRUCIATING. So, after class which went on forever and involved an encumbering amount of physical activity, I came home to puke my brains out (nausea is a side effect of migraines), take a two hour shower, and then call my mom to cry because we have none of the remedies I used to have at home that make me feel better when I'm sick. I am a fucking baby when I'm sick, it's disgustingly pathetic. My stomach muscles hurt soo bad. Since I'm so thin and so tiny, I don't have the muscles in my stomach to vomit so, when I do, I tear the muscles in my stomach and I'm sore for days. It sucks.
Anyways, enough of me bitching and moaning because I'm a baby when I'm sick. Can I just say that my kitten, Oliver, is adorable when he plays, but he is painfully adorable when he plays with the ferrets. It seems like such an odd combination to me for some unknown reason, but they are soooo cute when they play together! Not so cute when he keeps me up all night though hahah. That may be another reason for the disgusting migraine. Anyways, are you guys ready to meet my Oliver, who keeps trying to grab my fingers as they type?
He's about the size of a pack of Newport 100s when sitting. He's adorable. Not looking forward to getting him his shots tomorrow :(