Nov 01, 2005 08:09
So Let me tell you about the funniest Halloween Costume that I saw last night.:
There was this kid I say about nine or 10 years old out with a bunch of older kids.
He was wearing a pair of khaki shorts some sneakers and a green shirt with a
piece of paper taped to it that said: Nudist on Strike
That so totaly won the award for best costume of the year.
So we have one of those 12ft tall Frankenstein blow up things and we have it right
in front of our garage and then we lined the walkway to our house with tiki torches
and we got these little guys from KMart that are dressed up in costumes and they
hold on to the torches. It looks mad cute. But that is totaly besides the point. There was
this cute little kid he had to be about three maybe and he was dressed up like "Frank"
so he was totaly amazed by the huge "Frank" his Grandma could hardley get him to say
Trick or Treat so they took pictures with my big "Frank". Then after that it was like a
picture free for all, which was totaly cool with me. All in all it was an awesome Halloween.