Record store day тоже перенесли. С апреля на 20е июня.
Организаторы подошли с хорошей долей юмора)))) Рекомендовано, если вы запираетесь у себя дома накупив продуктов и не планируете выходить на улицу - сэкономить на туалетной бумаге и лучше купить в ближайшей виниловой точке пластинки. И тогда можно запереться и переслушать всё то, до чего так долго не доходили руки)))
Ура! Есть время слушать пластинки!!))))) RSD is worldwide and celebrates a record store's place in the community. As members of those communities we want everyone to be safe, healthy and feel comfortable coming to the party.
Record Store Day 2020 is moving to June 20.
We think it's the best move we can make given all we know (and don't know) about what's going on around us. The safety and good health of everyone who makes up Record Store Day (the customers, the staff and the musicians who come to the party) is super-important to us because we want to celebrate with you for many Record Store Days to come!
So check off a new date on the calendar, wash your hands, don't touch your face and if you're stocking up to spend some extra quality time at home, save some toilet paper money and stop by a record store. They've got exactly what you'll need for extended time on your sofa: books, movies, games and of course, music.
They, like all small businesses, would appreciate the support.
They're wiping down the door and the bins right now!