May 08, 2007 22:06
So lately I have been preparing for Catholic Nationals (speech tournament, which is in 3 weeks) and in my quest for a good Prose & Poetry program, I've grown to respect and appreciate verse much more.
Anyway, here are couple of poems I wanted to share with you all because they make me chuckle.
No More Birthdays
Don't swing the umbrella in the store,
Mother said. There are all these glass jars
of spaghetti sauce above your head
that can fall on you, & you can die.
Then you won't be able to go to tonight's party,
or go to the bowling alley tomorrow.
And instead of celebrating your birthday
with soda & cake, we'll have
anniversaries of your death with tea
& crackers. And your father & I won't
be able to eat spaghetti anymore, because
the marinara sauce will remind us of you.
My Dead Goldfish
I wanted an alligator for a pet,
but my parents got me a goldfish.
When he died my mother flushed him down the toilet.
She said if we bury him in the yard
a cat might dig him up & eat him.
I was mad at my father for using the bathroom
ten minutes after the burial.
He had no respect for the dead.