Sep 24, 2008 09:30
Well I feel better than I did last night, which is a relief let me tell you.... But I do still want my cake 0_0. I plan on napping and procrastonating a long time until doing any cleaning, because I can. I do have to pick tomatoes today though, which is so very exciting to match my oh so exciting life lol. Sabrina, I'm not even joking I wanna come visit, I'm gonna talk to Chris and see if I can come on a weekend since he is working so much over time I should get some of it lol.
I can't believe I am already 34 weeks pregnant, in only four weeks we will have another baby... Whoa! I can't wait to see how Adailyah and it are alike, and differen't. If she has a sister I hope they end up getting along well, and if a brother that he'll grow up big and strong and keep the boys away from her LOL.
Okay, well that's all, my life is boring and I have nothing more to say, maybe by the end I'll need to rant about my over emotion LOL. Ttfn