Jun 13, 2014 18:16
I have to plan soon since one of my friend won the ballot for Aug playzone show(just one show) ..sigh..I don't want to think about how much money I spent for balloting aug 9th (last day) show...alas..almost 2k..I haven't even scaned a tons of pictures I got last time..Aside from teaching 6 dance classes a week as dance fitness instructor, finding sub, sending money to my-dear-johnny-ota-friends everytime I go to japan, scheduling the ballot dates and time with each one of them carefully, going or living in hibiya area all days(lol) apply another same-day-lottary show tickets, finding lines(you know what I m talking) , meet up with ota-friends exchange gifts and etc.etc..etc... my point is...chasing butai jr makes you so fatigue really bad,..I am just tired being johnny-ota physically and mentally this time:/ hahaha
out my mind