Nov 20, 2010 18:05
Stomach is on fire. ACK! This is going to be a fun evening.
I finally have some schedule going on. The kids didn't go to their mom's house this weekend (well, didn't go with their mom wherever she is), but they had "Thanksgiving" with their aunt, which is really cool. Gave Mom a break from them for a few hours. There was a Masons meal thing, which is weird cause I was just thinking of those this week and surprise, there was one scheduled for today. Joe picked it up and brought it home, and there were raw onions in the beans, and I think I ate one or two, so yeah. Fun. He thinks there was banana in the cake he got. We're just gonna be a fun allergic family tonight.
So for the scheduling, tomorrow I go with Michelle to help her get some clothes with a coupon I can't use. I can't fit NY&Co at this weight and with the pregnancy stuff (I need to be about 10lbs lighter and I can, though), but I didn't want a $50 off $100 coupon to go to waste, so we're going tomorrow. I'm also gonna hit the Yankee Candle store to try to find some winter smells, and Sears to pay off the Blizzcon charge possibly. I've not gotten a bill yet, but I may call the card and see if it's on there. We may eat lunch, too, but I don't know.
Monday, Mom and I are going to go out and get groceries for Thanksgiving. I need to get all my magazines and cookbooks out (I really need to organize this shit, seriously) and check what we do and don't have around for what I need to make.
Wednesday will probably be lots of baking and candy making, so I have from now until then to get my house situated. I want this house decorated ASAP, but I've not had too much cooperation. At least the trash is all out and not on the porch anymore, which helps. We really do make way too much trash for two people, but my excuse is I'm eating out of boxes a lot due to being sick, and the whole nothing to starving in 6 seconds thing making microwave crap and easy to make things a lot smarter than trying to cook a meal doubled over with hunger pangs.
Oh, kinda excited as well cause the crib I'm interested in is $155 bucks or so at Target tomorrow AND comes with the matching changing table for FREE! We're actually liquid enough to buy it with cash right now, but I'm kinda holding onto cash due to the uncertainty of January. I definitely see going out to get them this weekend though. I've not set foot in the bedroom upstairs in weeks, though, and that will be an interesting cleaning/painting event in the future.
I've bought ONE Christmas gift, so I'm hoping I get a lot of inspiration on Black Friday, and that I don't fall over dead on Black Friday from exhaustion/pain. Walking sucks right now and my limit on being "out and about" is around 2.5-3 hours. I hate that. I hate not being able to dart around my house and clean and get things done, I hate even taking a little leisurely stroll around the mall wears me out. I should feel better than this by now, right? All worth it in the end, though, just sucks for the here and now.
All this stuff, and all this motivation to get stuff done, and a body that refuses to cooperate.
Oh speaking of fun with body aches and things it usually prevents me from doing, went on a raid with my former guild the other day. I was just putzing around on Div picking flowers for Mahalia's Benediction quest (HALP! I cannot get it done!) and got asked to do 25 man immortal. "Nah, I never know how long I can actually handle being on." Then a bit later: "Come do BT/Sunwell?" I got to take my rogue, so I took my second two Tylenol of my pregnancy ever and did those with them and got the achievements. Yay. I felt somewhat productive.
Also since this whole damn post is insanely random, I found out this week our "bandwidth limits" don't exist, so I can stop seeing Matrix scrolling numbers when I look at our computers, the PS3, our phones, the Wii, etc. and just breathe. We found a problem with our connection and since we're the only ones in our area that really care about the speed, we're the reason they found it. Yay for being useful.
Drink of the moment is Sunny D, but after this morning, I dunno if I'm going to get anymore again.