Aug 14, 2008 05:41
So why, you might wonder, am I awake at this ungodly hour? Well, let's just say that my plans for studying for the final went horribly awry...yesterday, I got only five hours' sleep, and so decided to get to bed early last night, wake up around 2 AM, and study my butt off. I indeed went to bed at 6:30--only to wake up 2 hours later, and was subsequently unable to fall asleep. Goddammit. There go my plans of being in a relatively normal state of mind taking this exam...but hey, if taking chances with your odds of getting into med school isn't living life on the edge, what is?
But wait--it gets better! Due to crappy weather, my last county highpoint (and its associated 15-mile hike) will have to take place, yup, later today, right after the final. This all means that by the time I get back from said hike, I'll probably have been awake about 24 hours straight on less than three hours sleep, have taken a three-hour final orgo exam, and have walked close to sixteen miles.
It's gonna be an interesting ride...