Nov 03, 2010 13:59
'We're Taking Our Government Back'
This phrase has bothered me since the fringe Righties started spouting it. Partly because of the underlying racism that seems to drive it, yes.
But mostly, because I want to know who they want to take the government back from. From the citizens of America who, in superior numbers, voted for who they wanted, and put those people in office?
So they want to take it back from me? And you? And everybody else who shaped the administration, for good or ill, through the power of our voices and our votes?
Fuck them.
In this country, everybody's vote counts. Not just those who you want to count.
And for the record? Trying to intimidate people to stay away from the polls, or trying to trick them into voting your way, or lying to them so they don't go vote - no matter the party doing it - is the most fucking un-American and unpatriotic thing I can think of. If you think this is all 'just politics' or the way things are done? Fuck off and get the hell out of America.*
Because this is MY country, too.
And when you talk about 'second amendment remedies', are you threatening duly elected representatives? The people who elected them? How would you feel, Rightie McNutjob, if people on the left said things like that? Yeah, you'd play the victim card. Again, STFU, and go somewhere else to become despot of your own little backward nation, where you can shoot people you don't agree with.
/post-election rant off
Whew! That's better. In local news, I walked to my polling place: the school across the street from our apartment complex. Our district had one booth, and the ballot was different from any that I've ever used. And apparently, in New Jersey, nobody gets a snazzy "I Voted!" sticker, to show their votey pride. I left the school feeling all patriotic, but with absolutely no zazz.
* Clearly payback for all the times when I stated my liberal views, and people, including members of my own family, told me that if I didn't like America, to get the hell out.