Jun 05, 2008 18:00

I just showed the kids the video of our last bout. It was good times!! They knew I was on the red team, so they asked who the purple team was and I told them it was the Marauding Mollys. Then Willy asked who the striped team was, lol, so I told him they are the refs and then got to try to explain what the refs do (to a 4 year old). I finally ended up telling him the refs are like our parents and when we do something bad they put us in time-out, but we call it the penalty box. Then he wanted to know how we got out of the box, I said when our time was up, they let us out. He then said, "No, how do you get out of the BOX, do you have to climb out or os there a door?" LOLOL. I showed him on the video the chairs where we sit. I also made a point to say that I've never been in the penalty box and he decided I should get a gold star! Woohoo!

kids, media, derby

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