(no subject)

Jun 15, 2006 21:33

Dear Livejournal,


Out of Carrie, Charollette, Miranda, and Samantha, which Sex and the City character would you say is most like you?

Whenever there's a group of four girls who are friends, I'd put money on the notion that at one point in time, they've probably disucssed which Sex and the City Characters they are. And even in cases where there aren't four friends--perhaps it's just you doin' some thinkin', most girls have likened themselves to one of four characters on this HBO series.

Truth be told, I'd also put money on the notion that most girls would say they're a "Carrie." And really, why wouldn't you want to consider yourself a "Carrie"? Pretty, successful, sexy, looking for love in all the wrong places, ect ect. This is why Carrie is the star of the show. And this is why most girls would like to think they've got a little bit of Carrie Bradshaw inside them too.

Then there are the other three characters. Charolette is not uncommonly chosen as a girl's twin character. She's beautiful and also looking for love. And hey, Samantha's name'll pop up every once in a while too. She's confidant in her sex life and loves what she does.

And now here is my thought. My main thought, if you will. I rarely hear a girl say "I really think I'm most like Miranda, yeah, Miranda is who I'd say I'm most like..." Well, what would a character profile for Miranda be like? Strong. Independant. Successful. In love with a man who treats her incredibly well and loves her (Steve Brady). Balances both a full time career and having a child impressively well.

So why do I never hear a "I'm like Miranda." Here's what I think. Because she's not very pretty. Some of you out there might be thinking "duh," but then ask yourself----why? Why do I think "duh! I'd like not to be a successful career woman with a great family if I gotta be unattractive too!"

Out of these four women we idolize, I ask why choose the woman who keeps going back to the man who's hurt her so many times, the woman who puts an overwhelming emphasis on money, social class, and good breeding, or the woman who has sex with pretty much anything that moves, regardless of the consequences. Why does appearance play such a huge role in our decision making? Or fashion, for example. Miranda is a lawyer and dresses like one too. Does that influence your decision?

Why do you choose the character you choose? Think about it.


The other day, in an attempt to work off a few pounds in an even more productive way, I decided I'd take a walk to Borders and get a good book. The walk is about five miles there and back, and requires my crossing Northwestern highway. No problem, I thought.

The walk there was pretty uneventful. Aside from a "daaaamn" and some honking construction vans, I enjoyed the trip.

On the way back, however, I thought I was gunna die. A guy pulled into the Office Max parking lot just as I was walking past it, got out of his car, and shouted "hey."
Now here's the weird thing you should know about me. I never like nor appreciate it when men call out to me when I don't know them, yet for some reason I always impulsively give them a huge smile and just wave in return. It's really hypocritical, I know.

Anyways, after saying hi, the guy asked me where I was headed. "Home!" I called back to him and kept on walking. "Need a lift...?" he offered. I just kept walking. The guy got back in his car and started driving to me. "Oh great," I thought melodramatically, "I'm gunna get kidnapped and die now....aw shit...." Luckily enough he just honked three times (as if in celebration of life) and just kept driving.

After this incident, I decided to cut throught two neighborhoods rather than have to walk on the sidewalks of main roads and possibly endure more cat calls and physical judgements, however ostensibly complimentary they may be. Because truthfully, it's not a compliment. It's rude. And it's unwanted. And it doesn't make me feel sexy or attractive, it degrades me and makes me uncomfortable and makes me feel like instead of wearing comfortable shorts and a tank top, I'd almost rather die of heat exaustion in a sweatshirt and jeans just to avoid the creepy, degrading remarks.

And so, my walk to Borders went from a healthy, relaxing, productive walk, to a tense, annoying, productive walk. I didn't appreciate it.

So guys. If ever you'd like to be responded to with sex after driving past a girl and saying "daaaaaaaaamn" or "ow ow!" or something else obscenely lame of the sort, go down to fucking 8 mile and stay the fuck off of Orchard Lake Road.
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