Typing, very litle agenda

Mar 31, 2006 12:19

With so little agenda that I am not sure I don't actually know what I am writing.

I know that I have some sort of association-al disorder, a dysfunction.

I had a good walk back home.

I began to understand .

ok, my hand:


An enviable position, in Brookline

Remarkable People


and something that I couldn't tell real early last night.

Am I only social when I'm fucked up?

No, no... Unfair question.

It was a good time though.

I liked the drive over

I liked the chillin' here

I liked the chillin' over there

I'm getting better thinking about the car.

I'm in need of drawing.


I texted, people, last night.

I even picked up a phone call or two.


I'm even thinking of changing my phone message.


Because I doubt it.

But then...

What I was thinking yesterday, is that if I think that the first shot is duly brilliant, then any amendment I could would should make is just going to be that much better. why. why? because I don't let myself down when I'm not letting myself down.

So, time number two.

And then, when it is to be: time number three.

There is also, the fact that while I remember everything and it happening, I don't really remember anything last night. See, that is just not entirely true. But I guess I'm still too close to anything for my mind to be like, ok, go ahead you rubbernecker, take a look. I'm sayin' that the casualty victim is still out in the open. ha. I guess.

>shrug. I dont' remember anything I didn't like, or did not intend to do. I would remember something like that all hardcore-nasty-nasty-bad awful. I just can't replicate my actions unless and until I get like that again. And I don't. I am living in this silly little world of sobriety, because I have to be able to make it and fit in.

It's fine.
I've broken out my summer skirts.
With a bang yesterday.
Can I tell you just how good and well I know how to clash an outfit.
Duh, it looked hot.
I consider it a talent.


I think I'm going away for the night.

At least, that seems to have been the trend in which the topic had headed in.

Nice, right?

I took a nice little puff off a piece just now, and, so I'm again feelin' pretty good.


no supersaturation here.
no sir

I feel like I want food, but, I'm not hungry.
I am also glad that I mostly was able, last night, to unkink my back a bit. I love stoner-strechin'.
Sober-stretching is horrible.

These are my idle thoughts.

I write them because it is all I know how to write.

These aren't thoughts that a paper should have.

These are the notes of my life.

But I can't write to that. I am self-referential. Oh. ha. Yeah. and. Last night, during one of those you're-not-quite-sober-quasi-freak-out periods I examined the idea that I may, I just might, I most probably, am, an, an, an Ego-centric.


I know? Right?

I am a self-referential eco-centric... diabolical... brigand!

I don't like talking about my feelings.

I don't like being sure whether or not I have them.

I am therefore, unsure, what exactly to say with this.

I am reasoning things out here.

There is no you and me, there is only we

We you, and we me.

[ And opera? Not musical theater / crooner coming in through the window ]

weeeeeeeee me.

I just like to hurt myself.
I understand hurt.
I had a thought last night.
That maybe this oh! shit!
I also have
Jesus Complex.

I can't believe I almost forgot *that* one. Yeah, so I have it understood, or, figured out at the very least, that, this is the time in my life where i will do my most suffering. and here is perhaps where my green-naivity comes in, because i just believe so whole-heartedly that life will turn out just fine. but then, i think that maybe that is a symptom of my not allowing conflict into my life. I have some strong ideas and insights onto *that* kind of person that then I might be. I don't know how to deal with my anger. I know what is inside of me, and I know that it just isn't something orderly or with reason. I know because of the tiny fissures that appear to let out some steam now and then. And whew! She is an unkind bitch.
I have to speak of myself as a multitude of persons.
I can't rectify them all together well in my head.
I am all of these things.
This is something I *know* but it is not something I can see.

I don't witness myself.

This is why I've been writing in here so much lately.
Like when I quit pot sophmore year.

There was something I was seeking to recapture or expose.
And I felt like, through repetition is could be brought out.

I feel, like, maybe I was keeping it inside by frightening it to death.
Cowering in the dark reaches and niches and spaces of my mind.

Right, now.
I'm just relaxing. I feel like the day is going to unfold quite nicely.
I'm really looking forward to the rest of this weekend.

There has been so much undue stress.
Not unduly due.

That I'm looking forward, to relaxing even more.

I've been really happy with myself this week, and I am going to do all I can to make that my reality.
Subjective-Objective reality.

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