I've been a hermit yet again. Gah, I'm terrible!
Let's see what's happened so far...
Second year of uni and it's not too bad. The only bad thing is that the bus stop has changed and now I have to walk up this massive slope to get to my classes. Also bad when trying to rush for the bus to get to work on time. Also sad to see how unfit I am.
I've got a Constitutional assignment due next Tue and to be honest I haven't even started. A lot of theory that gets me so confused. Anyone else wants to give me some insight on Combet v Commonwealth? I'm looking forward to drinking some energy drink for then next three nights...
Oh yeah, I haven't even talked about my new job! I'm currently working 10hrs at my old high school as a lab assistant. Right now only making solutions up and putting them in bottles but I did experience the unpleasant side and washed up for 4 1/2 hours. And the labs are full of mozzies.
How good was the latest Gilmore ep? I loooovveeee Luke/Lorelai. She's so cute when she went "I don't like them" referring to bells. I'm glad she's pushing his buttons! Ok, so maybe I wouldn't be struggling with the assignment if I did watch so much tv...
I fell in love with this cute little necklace that's 7 pounds... if only I lived in the UK. Or owned a credit card. Or had a more gullible mother.
See isn't it cute! It's from Lady Luck Rules Ok.
Ok, so I really should go back to working and ignoring my left eye that happens to have a fogged up contact. It's been like that all day and I feel like I have cataracts. Man, it's not pleasant.