Aug 28, 2010 07:16
I thought it would be odd to come back to blogging after so long not doing so. The whole "what to write?", "will anything happen?" questions...
Now I actually sit here at a park bench in Daves front garden shortly after sunrise, thoughts come easily.
My flight here was long and turbulent. Emmirates were exceptional as ever, and the new A380's really are very nice! I say that not only because it is true, but also I would like an upgrade on my next flights... so Mr Emmirates, if you're listening...
The first leg was short enough. I met a wonderfully random optomitrist from Cambera, and with plenty to talk about, and with plenty of meals to get through, the flight went quickley. Landing in Dubai was rough, but uneventful. Every time I go through they seem to have built a new airport, and this time was no exception. My stopover was short, and my connecting flight quite easy to find. The only notable thing being that when trying to board, the nice emmirates lady asked if I flying alone or accompanied by an adult... some things never change. She then read my passport, realised that I was older than she was, and got very embarassed!
The next leg was long. I dont know how long, but it was so long that you end up in the entransic state of watching whole seasons of questionable sitcoms, without ever seeing the clock move. Eventually you give up, and it is in that state of mind that once again the clock starts to shuffle on its merry little way.
The flight into Sidney was perhaps the best I've had. We flew in bang on the 6 o'clock curfew, as the sun was slowly rising to the east. Sunrise at 40,000ft is always special, but this one rose as we decended, makinging the dawn break over the sea for what seamed like hours. Sidney itself was a quick refuel, only hampered by the fact that it took them longer to get us through security than it took them to refuel. Slightly delayed we then jumped on for the last leg to Aukland.
The flight into Aukland was stunning. At least it should have been. I watched the whole thing from the awesome tail cam (yes, high def tail cams on the a380 mean you never need another window seat). Unfortunately, from the tail cam, you could just about see halfway down the plane. Thick cloud obscured everything. I looked in the handbook, which had many pictures of how it should have looked.
Customs were fun. My tent was removed and inspected. The hatchet head was questioned (and put down to "camping equipment"). Other than that, it was a sail through - I have to say, they were all very friendly.
Once on the ground, there was drizzle. Yes, I have come all the way from Wales, only to wish I had an umbrella. The walk from Aukland inter to the domestic airport was wet, but warm. It really was a case of "follow the big blue and white line" all the way.
My internal flight was more cattle bus style, but as soon as I got on to it, I was sparked out anyway. They fortunately took better care of my bags than BAA (a whole sorry tale), and my recently restrapped holdall lasted well.
Dave and Rosie came and saw me at the airport, and basically took care of me there on in. Largely because I was completely out of it. Dave did a fantastic chicken dinner for us all (I forgeot he was rather good at that), and pretty much everyone crashed out.
I slept through till 6, afterwhich I had to get up. I slept really well actually, and despite some first night nerves, and travelling anxiety, I slept soundly.
Now, much refreshed, Im feeling possitive. I see mountains, and sun, and birds. The air is fresh and the sky is blue. Yes. much better!
Cold though - I'm going back insidE!