I will have nine days of liberty from office slavery. Well, that’s only three days of official freedom because weekends and two holidays would equal me with my officemates.
My anticipated semi-bye bye desk moment last night ended a bit dramatically, what with emotional outpurings, which were all valid by the way. It’s a long story and at one point, I hated taking a leave because I want to get it over with when business resumes on Tuesday. A long walk along Padre Faura on a windy Friday night helped me realize that 1) the long weekend will do good for everybody, 2) it is normal for friends to have misunderstandings (oh no don’t get me started), 3) we have to learn to talk and not just speak, and 4) there is really that phantom uneasiness in having to manage people who are also beloved friends. I know that this is fixable although at this time I wish I did better in grasping the “Resolving Conflicts” module in that online management class I took a while back.
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The scheduled errands during my break consist of begging the people in the Department of PoliSci in UP to officially take me back next sem, meeting up with my college bestfriends, attending a birthday dinner thrown by a good friend on Thursday, and of course, paying Daddy a visit.
The rest of my time would be for sleeping (need to catch up, big time), watching my classic movies on DVD and reading books. I could also have some precious time staring blankly at a wall which is very therapeutic.
My friends are having a fantastic time in Laoag as I type this and yes, I regret not going, but it was a display of discipline on my part to be strong and not go because honey, money doesn’t grow on trees.
Save for being so lethargic because it’s smack dab in the middle of my red days, on my first day of freedom, I finished the last 6 episodes of the third season of Desperate Housewives (and please, let’s all move on from the “hysteria on Wisteria”. Let us choose our battles wisely, people.), finished my
2nd Stephanie Plum mystery (not at par with your crime/detective novels but she’s funny in some moments which is enough because I’m simply chilling, you know), arranged our newly-upholstered sofa set and had a decent time staring at our baby blue wall. And hey, it’s only a little before 6 p.m. A lot can still happen. After this post, I’m off to watch Gossip Girls (my insanely repressed youth and pretentiousness terribly wanted me to), Pushing Daisies and that Desperate Housewives episode. Thank heavens for µtorrent, and to the lovely
Doris for introducing it to me as early as last year, which I only got around to actually do very recently.
If I can find a way to weed out Sophie’s contents somewhere so I can save it on a newly-installed iTunes-so I don’t have to click “No” everytime it prompts me if I want to replace all the songs in that iTunes library, which came crashing down with John, with the ones (aka NOT ONE SONG) in the iTunes library in Jack- then I would be happier. Now I cannot add songs and podcasts because of this problem. Can somebody help me? I’m hopelessly, ho-humly dim when it comes to music players.
Ohhh, vacation!!!!! I hope to still remember our countless office passwords when I get back!!! See you around!!!