
Jun 13, 2005 11:46

Story: Bitter
Rating: PG
Pairing: Robert/Johnny
Summary: Before he tamed his bit beast and became a champion, life was easy.
Before he met Robert, the winter was warm. Now it's cold. Bitterly cold.
Warning: Hints of yaoi

Bitter )

tv: beyblade, slash

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sapphire17 June 26 2005, 19:54:29 UTC
Oh I know where to find plenty South Park Slash fics. =D There's two websites especially for it (containing both fics & fanarts), several communities here on lj (sp_slash, hells_pass & rare_sp_slash, and some on other sites such as slashfanfiction.com. Reminds me I need to update the South Park fic I have there, since I have two more chapters I haven't added there yet. o_o

I left fanfiction.net permantly (and gave notice in my profile there) back in late 2004. I simply disdain that site so much that I won't even read fics there anymore... The site's been converted by Xing into a 'kiddy' site, so the majority of the reviewers, authors, and readers are kiddies. x_x I just finally felt... too old for it, LOL.

Plus, the majority of my fics are adult ones, not to mention I love love songfics. And now, that's not allowed anymore, either. So, since only like 10% of my fics can be posted there anyway, I didn't see the point anymore. I also couldn't stand some of the reviews I was getting. >_< Talk about netspeakage galore... Funny thing is, though, that only my Jin x Hwoarang fics that weren't 'multi-pairing' ones such as "In the Shadows", were the ones getting all the "lyk omg dat wuz soh to2ly hAwT11one lolz i hop u rigte mour ur ficcs r kewlone"-type reviews. *shudders* My Bryan x Lei & multi-pairings fics always had intelligent reviews. That concept really tells you somethin' about those "Hwoajin ONLY other Tekken yaoi pairings SUCK/ARE GROSS!" people... *sigh* And they call Tekken het fans/writers close-minded. -_-"

My Stan x Kyle South Park fic had about half-n-half, with half of the reviews being intelligent, and the other half being netspeakage ones. XD Stan/Kyle is the most popular SP slash pairing, so it has both a lot of people who ONLY like this one pairing in SP slash, and a lot of people who can't stand it for taking up most of the spotlight & overshadowing their favourite pairings. The major Cartman/Kyle fans REALLY hate Stan/Kyle, I've noticed.

And then, there's people like me, known as "pairing whores", who like just about anything and love to see the colours of variety. XD


sapphire17 June 26 2005, 20:05:39 UTC
Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention slashpark. XD I got the communities mixed-up, since sp_slash is the new one someone created before they new that there was other SP slash communities on lj, LOL. Don't know if you'd ever be interested in reading any South Park ficcage, but thought I'd mention the communities anyway just in case. ^__^


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