Hooray for ruling things out! I hope they rule something IN soon, preferably something boring and easy to treat. *hug*
I'm not sure if iron is over the counter in the US? But if it's something you can just go buy, you can switch to ferrous gluconate. It's about half as potent as ferrous sulfate, so take twice as many ferrous gluconate pills as you were sulfate, if they're the same number of milligrams. (They usually are in Canada, anyway.)
(300mg ferrous sulfate has 60mg of elemental iron; 300mg ferrous gluconate has 35mg of elemental iron, so tiny bit more than half as strong. You want to keep the same amount - roughly - of elemental iron, since that's what's actually helping your iron levels. Often the amount of elemental iron is printed in tiny print on the side of the bottle somewhere.)
And I'm very sure this is not new information for a mom on regular meds, but just in case: keep your iron pills way out of reach of Sparkle. They usually look like candy and they're not super bitter, so unfortunately iron is a very common cause of accidental poisoning in kids in North America.
The amount of sugar in one tablet is very small - less than a gram of carbohydrate. You'd die of iron poisoning before you could take enough ferrous gluconate to affect your blood sugar noticeably
( ... )
I'm going to check with my pharmacist about the heme iron. Since I want to get my iron levels up quickly in a way that is quickly used by my body, it seems a deal at about a dollar a pill. Especially since that is far cheaper than a trip to the hospital.
Some concentrations of ferrous sulfate are OTC, but when my M-I-L has to use these instead of the prescription-strength ones, she says she has to take 5 or 6 of the OTC-strength to get the same mg-count of iron.
I'm not sure if iron is over the counter in the US? But if it's something you can just go buy, you can switch to ferrous gluconate. It's about half as potent as ferrous sulfate, so take twice as many ferrous gluconate pills as you were sulfate, if they're the same number of milligrams. (They usually are in Canada, anyway.)
(300mg ferrous sulfate has 60mg of elemental iron; 300mg ferrous gluconate has 35mg of elemental iron, so tiny bit more than half as strong. You want to keep the same amount - roughly - of elemental iron, since that's what's actually helping your iron levels. Often the amount of elemental iron is printed in tiny print on the side of the bottle somewhere.)
As a diabetic, will ferrous gluconate affect my sugar levels? Someone else told me there was a hemoglobin iron supplement, too...
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