Health Update

Nov 06, 2012 21:35

News in brief:

I've been having dizzy spells, culminating in fainting after going up a flight of steps over the weekend.  My children found me unconscious on the floor at the top of the steps;  we're all grateful I didn't pitch over backward.  My blood pressure went up to scary levels on Monday, like 188/88 and 190/112.

After several trips to Urgent Care, my doctor, and the cardiologist, they have determined:

My faint over the weekend was neither a heart attack or stroke, by resting EKG.

A blood test yesterday, the results of which today determined that I am *very* anemic, and am probably bleeding internally to cause such low blood cell counts and low plasma.  My high blood pressure is accompanied by a slightly elevated heart rate, the both of which are trying to compensate for fewer blood cells by pushing what I have through my body faster.

A heart stress test today, which I will formally find out about in four days that appeared to go very well.  I ran until I was dizzy, never quite making it to my target heart rate of 177.  I was in the 160s, and still running, and breathing deeply and deliberately whenever I was tempted to gasp and pant ("You've been compensating for this for awhile, haven't you?") when the guy monitoring the test said that I had thirty seconds before the next level up in speed.  A few seconds later, he said, "She's WHITE!" and I was off the treadmill and on the ultrasound table before I could faint, feeling dizzy and trying not to pant when they said "Hold!" so they could take pictures.  They're good at taking you right up to your limit and not over.

So, I will go back to my regular doctor, and I am certain ultrasounds or MRIs are in my future to determine the source of bleeding.  I myself strongly suspect my chronic condition of ovarian cysts may have something to do with this.

I am cleared for driving again, am not to take baby aspirin any more, and need to eat things with IRON in them, to help counter the anemia.  I am a bit relieved, because we're on the track of my illness, and irritated, because I'm not yet fixed.  And all my doctors have made it a point to praise me for coming in and getting checked out; that it is not just my imagination, and things are wrong needing to be addressed.  

me, health

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