Scare in the Square

Oct 20, 2012 20:03

Tonight, out community club in our townlet put on Scare in the Square, year two.

Sparkle was SO excited for the Halloween party!  She didn't want to go ANYwhere today, lest she miss the party and be late.  She looked awesome in her homemade Harley Quinn costume put together by my friend needlewomyn, though.  I found a lace collar my mother gave me when I was a little girl, and it was the perfect touch for the motley red and black.  Irish went along as Han Solo, bemoaning his lack of a blaster.

We played simple carnival games, and got candy prizes.  The local fire department sent a crew of guys, including one dressed as a Dalmatian.  Sparkle loved going up to them, and admiring the fire trucks and ambulance.

The scare walk had fewer actors in it this year, but Sparkle was more nervous than she was last year.  There were more strobe lights, and that made movements seem wild and unpredictable, I think.  The whole thing is not meant to really SCARE kids, just be local color.

It's such a nice, kid-friendly Halloween event.  I'm glad we went.

irish, me, sparkle, family

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