Aug 18, 2012 14:51
I start back to school, teaching again this week. I start Monday, while my kids start Wednesday.
I've gotten tons of organizing done, and the house is much better for it, although still a long ways away from the way I wanted it to look. One project a day, however small, has given dividends, though. Juliana was stellar in helping me get my clothes down to a managable level, to where all the clean clothes can be put away at the same time! Finally, though, I can see a difference in the way the rooms look.
Twenty two hours in the boys' room. Sixteen in Sparkle's. Twenty in the master bedroom, and two in the den. No longer do we walk around piles of stuff, but the floors are clear. The shelves are a bit untidy, but that's okay. Bit by bit, I'll get it together.
I had to buy new shoes, because my sensible ones, the ones I hurt my foot in, hurt my feet when I try to wear them. After a summer in sandals in sneakers, with my feet starting not to hurt when I walked, this was a shock. I guess the lathe just presses exactly where the tear in my foot was. My mother in law was fantastic in finding the new shoes we'd just bought in the fancy shoe shop new in the charity shop, which meant they were much more affordable.
Bike riding did not happen because my aching foot was not up to it. Swimming was likewise not done often, for the same reason. I'm hoping I'll get back into the swing of things, because I miss the exercise. This surprises me. I've been doing mild walks with Irish, and every little bit helps.
I did get to Confluence, one of the "beloved" cons I try never to miss. I got to sign and sing with Seanan McGuire, which was very happy-making. I also got to see many old friends, too fleetingly it seems. Such is the way with cons, though.
Many little status updates on FB, not many on LJ, although I've been lurking, and putting in my two cents here and there.